Tuesday 2 September 2014

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, Sep 7-12

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Sunday 7 September to Friday 12 September
Note: double episode on Sunday 7 September and no episodes on Monday 8 September.

Kylie turns to drugs, Neil turns annoying, Amy lies about Eccles, Jason can’t forgive Tony and Dev and Julie grow close.

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. Oh dear so poore Kylie who is young and lives in a nice house with a supportive husband, works across the road and has a live in grannie that takes more than her share of child care with only two childen "cant cope". The ungrateful and rude way she has treated Gail, I have no sympathy with the girl.

  2. Daver, I feel the same way, but to a lesser extent. I'm sure looking after Max and Lily is very stressful, considering one has colic and the other is out of control.

    But I totally agree that the way Kylie treats her mother-in-law is disgusting. Zero respect, presumptuousness, mockery, zero appreciation - and the occasional 'thanks' she throws at Gail every now and again doesn't count.

    The few occasions when Gail is about to stand up to Kylie and David, she backs down, I think, out of fear they'll kick her out of *their* house.

  3. "Neil turns annoying"..... No, he is already annoying, wish he would leave.

    And what a nasty little girl Amy is turning into. Yes, I know she has a rotten mother, but her dad is OK.

  4. If I were Gail I'd move out of that nuthouse and let the ungrateful brats look after their own kids. I have never, ever liked Kylie and there is no way I would put up with her crap for 5 minutes.

  5. I could not agree more. Kylie along with David treat Gail like crap. These two with their horrifically checkered pasts act like they are stand up citizens or something.
    The constant barrage of insults to Michael and Gail is very very old now. Quite frankly, Gail needs to blast the pair of them into tomorrow, reminding them of ALL of their past transgressions...pushing her down the stairs, selling a child etc...It's time to stop this mess now. It's too hard to watch. And she can take nasty Nick down at the same time.

  6. Zagg, I so agree. Who the heck is David to judge anyone he seems to have forgotten that he has done "time". Gail deserves some happiness and any half-decent child would want that for their Mum but not spoilt rotten Nick and David!

  7. Not more annoying Neil! Poor Eccles has suffered enough!

  8. Kylie treats Gail the way she does because David lets her. Gail created monsters out of her sons by constantly pandering to them and sacrificing herself for them. She was a bit of a masochist and, at last, she's turning her life around. Not surprising that the boys don't like it. Guess that Kylie will do a runner with her ex and David will be begging his mum for help again.

    Assume the business with Eccles is the final straw for Simon and this is why he runs to Tina's grave.

  9. For what it's worth,I think David has come the lesser of the evil brothers as Nick has taken the lead with forcing his mother to choose between her sons and faking seizures with mummy defending him all the while.I bet Nick even stoops to getting touch with Kylie's ex in hopes of breaking up his brother's marriage as revenge for losing Leeanne to Kal?
