Monday 1 September 2014

Preview of tonight's double Corrie - Monday 1 Sep

Monday 1st September
CARLA STRUGGLES WITH NEWS OF PETER.Carla’s taken aback when she hears that Peter’s critically ill in
hospital and admits to Rob she can’t help feeling concerned for Peter despite everything he’s done. Rob
attempts to convince Carla that she’d be best to forget him but when Ken calls in the factory and begs
Carla to visit Peter, explaining it could be Peter’s last wish, will she agree? Meanwhile Rob’s left at Peter’s
bedside when Tracy heads off to a wedding fayre. But as Rob talks to unconscious Peter, telling him that
they’re both bound for hell, Peter suddenly convulses and the medical team rush in.
KYLIE’S ON A MISSION TO PROVE HERSELF.It’s the day of Max’s psychiatric assessment and Kylie’s
stressed, desperate to make a good impression. As she flaps around tidying the house, Max empties his
toy box all over the floor and Kylie realises with horror that Michael’s ankle tag is showing. What will
the psychiatrist make of the Platts?
JASON WORKS TIRELESSLY THROUGH HIS GUILT. As Jason restarts Tyrone’s loft conversion, Fiz confronts Tony, Jason and Todd and asks them to increase their offer as £1k compensation isn’t enough to tide them over. Tony promises to look into it.
ELSEWHERE Gail and Michael are loved up having spent the night together. Steph’s brittle towards Katy
and admits she finds the idea of her brother and her best friend together too weird. Will Luke and Katy
call time on their fling?

Monday 1st September
PETER’S LIFE HANGS IN THE BALANCE. As Peter is rushed to intensive care, Rob secretly hopes it’s the
end for Peter. As the Barlows nervously wait for news, Carla sets off on holiday but shocked by this
latest turn of events will she do a u-turn and head for the hospital to visit Peter?
KYLIE FEELS THE PRESSURE MOUNT. Kylie’s embarrassed when Max behaves badly in front of the
psychiatrist, clearly unable to concentrate. The psychiatrist suggests she observes Max in school before
making an assessment. Meanwhile David confides in Gail that he’s worried Kylie will want to contact
Max’s dad because of his condition.
FIZ AND TONY BANTER AND BARTER. Under pressure from Fiz, Tony ups his offer of compensation to £2k. Tyrone reckons they should accept it but Fiz is less convinced.
ELSEWHERE Luke and Katy continue to wind up Steph and insist she joins them for a romantic meal. Steph’s clearly uncomfortable as they paw over each other, will the pair admit it’s all a wind up and they’ve decided to remain as friends and will Steph see the funny side? Steve frets over his lack of cricket team, while Liz is intrigued to learn it was Jim who saved Peter’s life by alerting the prison staff when he found Peter in a coma.

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  1. Frosty the Snowman1 September 2014 at 08:12

    So Fizz is on yet another quest for jutice and Tracyluv leaves her sick brothers death bed to attend a wedding fayre - come on writers even she wouldnt be that self centred would she??

    What exactly is the point of the Luke/Katie/Steph triangle can anyone advise?

  2. ho hum... more filler type plots ...makework for the writers and the actors. Unfortunately, not much for the viewers...

  3. Why is Fiz the one to decide how much compensation Tony and Jason should pay?It's Tyrone's house and the matter should be between him and Tony not Fiz who I think is bordering on exortion to get more money.

  4. Exactly Frosty! Does anyone really care about the Luke/Katy thing? Snoozefest.

  5. Here's hoping Peter survives and gets better - if only to wash that stringy dirty hair!

  6. Can anyone plse tell me where carla got her black lace detail top from on tonights episode?.... I want one!!!

  7. I don't want Rob to go. He was amazing tonight. I love how he is with Tracy, she becomes so much more likable. And, yes, she would leave her brother's side because Rob said Peter wouldn't notice. Rob is great with Carla; he's the only one who truly knows how vulnerable she really is; Carla can let down her shield with her brother. And I love him with Dierdre, he is so sweet with her and shows her the respect she doesn't get from her husband or daughter. I'm really hoping that the whole Tina murder SL is really a dream/nightmare sequence and they'll wake up soon. Tina moved away, never ever to return; Carla had her baby; Peter gone forever to rehab; Tracy and Rob get married and become the most stable married couple on Corrie with Amy finally having a solid home so she doesn't end up the brat she's turning into. Can anyone tell I really don't want Rob to go?
