Thursday 4 September 2014

Coronation Street fan of the week - Sarah in Rhode Island, USA

It's time to meet another Corrie fan of the week.
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Who are you and where are you from?
My name is Sarah Heaton. I originally come from Wolverhampton, England but in 2001 I moved to Newport, Rhode Island, USA.

How long have you been watching Corrie?

I've been watching Corrie since I was a little girl… the earliest storylines I remember are Gail and Suzie Birchall working in Mr Baldwin's jeans shop, and Ernest Bishop being shot in the robbery at the factory. I used to watch regularly until I emigrated, but after that it became more of an obsession… it was one of the things that really connected me to my home and family so far away. I've kept up with every episode in the past 13 years… for several years I had to get by with Mike Plowman's excellent visual updates, since Corrie wasn't shown on TV where I live. It was always a thrill to catch a proper episode on TV when I went back to the UK for a visit, or over the border in Canada. It was often a shock to see a new character I'd only known from the visual updates… many times their voice was completely different to the one I'd unconsciously given them in my head. Since about 2009 I've been streaming episodes from the UK.

Who are your favourite female and male characters - and the reasons why?
In the current cast, my favorite characters are Roy and Eileen. I love Roy because he gives the Street a moral compass which I think has been rather lacking in a lot of the sensational story lines of recent years. He's a complex and interesting character. He could easily be treated as a comedy caricature, but David Neilson does such an excellent job, he really brings this beautiful man to life. Eileen is one of the great strong female characters which the Street has traditionally always done so well, but she has a very vulnerable side. Although I'm glad to see her stronger side coming back to the fore since drippy Paul the fireman departed.

What's been some of your favourite Corrie storylines over the years?
I really liked the story a few years back with Norris' long-lost brother Ramsay. Emily began to fall for him, and I loved that it showed a different side of Emily, and that being old doesn't necessarily mean the end to romance. It was beautifully and delicately handled. My heart broke for her when he left. I also loved the way the death of Jack Duckworth was handled, with the brief reappearance of Vera. It was whimsical and sweet, and very moving. It brings a tear to my eye whenever I think about it. Of course, the whole Roy and Hayley story was another favorite. In general, I much prefer these gentler, more real story lines over all the sensational murders and affairs.

And what would your fantasy Corrie storyline be?
My fantasy story lines would be anything that would bring back Graeme Proctor, Danny Baldwin, or Eddie Windass and his delicious cakes!

Have you any snippets or news about meeting any of the Corrie cast, or trips to the set, etc., that you'd like to share?  In May of this year, I finally fulfilled my ambition to visit the Corrie set. The whole tour was great but when the doors to Nick's Bistro opened, and the theme music started playing, and there was the Street in front of me, the tears started rolling down my cheeks. It really was like a dream come true. I'm so glad we got that chance to go there before it's demolished.
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