Friday 8 August 2014

Peter Hook reveals Coronation Street gossip in his autobiography

I'm a big fan of New Order and a big fan of Peter Hook. Having bought Peter Hook's book today - Unknown Pleasures, Inside Joy Division - the first thing I do with any autobiography is turn to the back of the book to see if it's got an index.  And as Peter Hook is stepped in Manchester tradition it was no surprise to see Coronation Street listed in the index.  So I skipped to those pages to see what he had to say about Corrie.

He's a huge fan of our favourite show.  And on page 159 of his book he reveals this titbit about Factory Records Boss Tony Wilson and Corrie actress Pat Phoenix,who played Elsie Tanner.

This is what the book says on that page about Tony and Pat:

"...and then to Tony Wilson telling us how he'd started its (Corrie's) most famous siren Pat Pheonix on drugs. He'd got her into dope, or so he said. And once she was into it, she wouldn't leave him alone. She became a proper spliff-head. 'Where's that Tony Wilson with my drugs?' she used to scream in the office. 'Come on, where is he? Tony, where's my f***ing drugs?'  Tony would be hiding under the desk, to try to get away from her, he'd created a monster."

Well, there you have it, straight from the pages of Peter Hook's book. 

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1 comment:

  1. I've no reason to disbelieve Peter Hook but Tony Wilson and the truth were only occasional passing acquaintances...
