Friday 15 August 2014

Men At Work - Corrie's Gary and Owen on stage in Ireland

Hear Ian Puleston-Davis (Owen Armstrong) nd Mikey North (Gary Windass) dish the gossip about their characters' storylines, fellow cast members and more.

They're appearing at the Mill Theatre, Dundrun Town Centre, Dublin in September. Buy tickets here.

Get the inside scoop on Coronation Street. Guaranteed to be a real eye-opener, even for long-time Coronation Street fans. Plenty of secrets revealed.

This in-depth, on-stage interview with the actors who play Coronation Street's Owen Armstrong and Gary Windass gives Ireland’s Corrie fans the inside scoop on what's happening on and off the set of the world's longest-running soap opera.

Ian Puleston-Davies and Mikey North tell interesting anecdotes and talk at length about their characters' latest story lines, what's going on with their cast mates, and all the fun that transpires on set.

The first act is a hosted interview, followed by a question and answer period for the second act that allows eager audience members get to ask all their burning questions about the goings ons in the world of Weatherfield.

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1 comment:

  1. I've just been watching "Doctor Willoughby", the short-lived Joanna Lumley 1999 sitcom on DVD, and suddenly realized that the young executive producer was none other than "Owen".
