Saturday 2 August 2014

Coronation Street double episode review, Friday 1 August 2014

Roy and Yasmeen continue their sit in at the library, but fall out when she expresses a strong belief that human beings are not designed to live alone. Roy takes umbrage to this suggestion, and asks if she attributes her blanket generalisation to biology, even demanding the paperwork that enables her to “inflict these ill researched opinions dressed up as science”. Yasmeen is incensed and Roy dusts off the word “hogwash” for the occasion. He amusingly uses her argument against her when Kal brings news that they’re both invited to an extraordinary meeting of the Council and she declares that only one can go. Kal agrees to attend in their stead if they make up.

Roy apologises, acknowledging that everyone has the right to an opinion, and that he shouldn’t have taken hers so personally. Yasmeen is genuinely humble, and accepts that she was too forceful in her views. Roy confirms that he is a widower, and the manner in which he calls up the date of the 20th of January without hesitation is a moving indication of how deeply he feels his loss. Yasmeen is suitably compassionate and respectful as he tells her that remarriage would feel inappropriate, and she listens as he explains, “It’s her absence in everything. Her absence. And to fill that absence with another person, another personality, no. No, no, it’s hers, hers alone.” David Neilson excels in this moment of personal revelation, and again, Roy’s ability to reach out to others and eloquently verbalise his loss and feelings is a credit to both himself and Hayley, and a joy to behold.

Yasmeen confesses that it was Kal she had in mind, and conveys the moving story of a mother’s pride at her son dressed in army attire, her child having become a man, and then his arrival home “as a little boy again, lost” following the tragedy of his wife Jamila’s death. As a mother she wanted to help him so badly, and now that she sees him returning to himself again, she wants him to find somebody, but considers his chosen partner as not good for him. As Roy simply says “Leanne”, it shows his astuteness at the matters of the heart that evolve around him.

Roy presents Hayley’s overdue book to Yasmeen. His attempt to return it lead to him first hearing about the library closure, and a quote from Goethe which he found within, written on a piece of paper by Hayley, is his reason for protesting: “Thinking is easy, acting is difficult and to put one’s thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world”. Yasmeen considers it inspiring, and that they are lucky Hayley found it, observing that she must have been very special. “We’ll win” she says, “I feel it now”.

If Hayley is everywhere in these moments, so too is her humour. Roy suggests that they should reshelve what is Council property, but Yasmeen, with a twinkle in her eye, reminds him that they are activists and that he should take it if he wants it; she might even take one herself. However, the moment of rebellion is shortlived as Roy asks, “without scanning it out?” and Yasmeen reneges on her revolt, thinking, perhaps not.

They are delighted with the news that the Council has granted them a reprieve to appeal, but Mary seems more intent on affirming her and Roy’s “rock solid friendship hewn in granite through thick and thin” in the event that Yasmeen has any doubts on that score. Meanwhile Roy tells Fiz that Hayley was instrumental in their success, and that he rather enjoyed it. However, they are devastated to learn from Tyrone that the library has since gone up in flames. There is something symbolic for me in the fact that Hayley's book went up with it; her last connection with cancer gone, Roy can take her inspiring quote and her memory forward with him through life. Out of the ashes, he has the spark of an idea; he will host a small library in the café. All are in favour, though Yasmeen’s enthusiasm may prove something of a challenge to rein in

Lloyd picks two “Incompetent parents and their devil child” up from the airport, and David and Kylie refuse to pay £40 for the damage caused by Max to his car. The embodiment of claim culture, Kylie threatens to sue if Max gets run over because Lloyd refuses to drive them to the door. It transpires that it hasn’t been a relaxing holiday by any means, as Max has proven immensely difficult to deal with. While David wants to bring him to a doctor, Kylie is in denial and refuses to do so.

I always considered Tracy’s progeny as putting her mother to shame in the personality stakes, but sadly Max isn’t the only “devil child” in tonight’s episode as Amy bullies Simon throughout and lies spectacularly while being babysat by Maddie and Sophie. The former rightly leaves Amy in no doubt that her behaviour is unacceptable, and is a great friend and support to Simon as he wonders if Eccles remembers her Mam and Dad, and expects that she is both scared she’ll forget them, and fears being placed somewhere where she knows nobody. The not so subtle metaphor gives us a welcome tender scene. 

Meanwhile Amy sneaks out to Barlow’s Buys where she tells her mother that Maddie threatened to slap her. Tracy marches around to berate the babysitters and it’s infuriating to find Sophie apologise rather than stand up for Maddie. Strange that she chose this tack considering she spent the first half of the year vehemently defending her when she was less deserving.

After shelling out top dollar to get Uncle Albert’s medal back, Rob has earned some posh crisps from Deirdre’s cupboard as well as her eternal gratitude, as she frets about Ken’s reaction when he returns home to learn about Peter.

It’s never possible to cover all the wonderful little details that make Corrie magic in an episode review, particularly a double one, but all in all these were two thoroughly enjoyable episodes with plenty of lovely little humorous references, and the perfect mix of drama, comedy and feeling throughout.

By Emma Hynes
Twitter: @ELHynes

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  1. Frosty the Snowman2 August 2014 at 11:58

    I am not sure who the writers were yesterday but it just didn’t do it for me. The library business was clunky and boring and Yasmin’s shouty style of acting is beginning to grate a bit. Then it all conveniently ‘burnt down’anyway. Tiresome little Max is back being a nuisance which leads to yet another arguing story between the Platts.. Then more of Tracy’s horrid behaviour and looks like mini me is becoming a chip off the old block. Pointless scenes with Simon and Maddah seems to have had a personality transplant. On a positive note it was a Windarm and Andrea free zone !

  2. I mentioned the other day that I reckoned the sit-in would lead to the café being used as a temporary library. The short-lived protest was just a plot device to get everybody in their places for the real story - whatever that might be. Great if it gives Roy a new lease of life.

    I'm guessing that Deirdre will get the truth out of Amy and make her apologise. Any bets that Maddie will decide she wants to train as a social worker. Good, she can take Sophie, the rescuer, with her to a college far, far away.

  3. Seems like Amy has had a changed personality. She always seemed like a sweet girl, but now is suddenly very nasty. Yes they are trying to make her a mini Tracy (like we need another) but can they stop trying to make every character unlikable.

    I agree Yasmin was really annoying and doing my head in. She has only been in it a few episodes and seems shoved down our throats, even David Neilson couldn't save this horrible storyline.

    Somehow I wish Rob wasn't leaving, he is far more likable than Tracy and always has been. No doubt she will continue to stay on after his exit.

    Hopefully next week is better with Ken and Jim's returns.

  4. I loved the library stuff! I like Yasmeen too. She's clearly got a maternal side under all that vigour.

    As far as the cafe library goes, why doesn't Roy rent the old butcher shop and set up a good size community library there?

  5. What's happening? Fridays episodes were by far the worst I have seen. Unrelated bits of disjointed storylines. Were the writers all drunk? They're going to have to do better than this, the dialogue was poor, the acting was poor. I very nearly switched off.

  6. I agree Rosie. Awful double episode. The first time in nearly 40 years of Corrie that I actually felt like I was bored! Terrible dialogue, awful acting, tedious stories. I don't want to see murders, horrific accidents and villlanous crimes in every episode but 2 episodes of childish traumas, shouty librarians (how embarrassing for David Neilson to be tied up with those scenes) and obvious time fillers really was too much. C'mon Corrie. You're much better than that!

  7. I agree with you, Emma. I thought Friday's episodes were great. Nothing of any high drama happened, which for me is a good thing, and there were plenty of well written scenes. Roy's confession to Yasmeen was beautifully done, as was the scene between Maddie and Simon. Amy's personality change is a bit sudden, but the lack of interest she showed over Tina's death means it hasn't come out of nowhere.

  8. I also think these were the most abysmal episodes I have ever seen...I dont understand this positive write up, but to each his own! Something very basic fell through the cracks on this one. Almost every scene was cringeworthy and looked slapped together. And what is with the kids acting about half their age! Amy in her wading pool looked just ridiculous. Sophie screaming at being sprayed. They should be embarrassed about these episodes. Tabby.

  9. Sheesh, can't wait to see this one and form my own thoughts! Quite strong feelings going on. In Canada. Not sure how many days away this episode will be..
    Either way, Emma, I love reading your blogs. My hair stood on end as you described Haley's book and poem going up in flames ~bringing a spark to Roy's life.
