Wednesday 9 July 2014

What do we think of Corrie's Yasmeen so far?

What do we think of Corrie's latest arrival - Kal's mum Yasmeen? From her brief appearances so far I'm rather taken with her.

She strikes me as the kind of no nonsense matriarch Corrie could use right now. She's obviously very family oriented, strong, intelligent and tough but from what I can see, fair-minded. She certainly has more life about her than the rest of her far.

I've also enjoyed her interactions with Leanne. I think the pair could come to understand each other as the storyline progresses. Although I must say Nick's involvement is laughable. That scene the other night when he called Leanne all the names under the sun to create the maximum amount of embarrassment was just awful! I haven't really minded Nick in the past but he doesn't *do* anger very well. I understand the fallout from his brain trauma needs to be ongoing but the direction it's taking is wearing very thin. Why has nobody made him see a   counsellor?

Anyway, I think Yasmeen may yet be the saviour of the Nazir family. I understand she is to become involved in a storyline with Roy Cropper. As she touched on the other night she works as a librarian so I can see this as a possibility. It will be interesting to see how this unusual friendship develops.

So what do you think of Yasmeen Nazir so far? How would you like to see the character develop and who should she interact with among the Corrie regulars?

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  1. I find her very wooden - like she's reading her lines off a cue crd

  2. I only saw her being cross with Leanne and so far so good. Beautiful hair! I wish Rishi could cross over from Emmerdale to Corrie, he's a great character and needs a mate.

  3. I really like Yasmeen so far. She has a lot of potential. Looking forward to this library story with Roy, but I hope Yasmeen has scenes with Rita, Emily and Norris so that she beds in properly with the other older characters.

    I still think the older cast needs reinvigorating at the moment. Dennis shouldn't be leaving and Sylvia is sorely missed. I'm glad they've introduced Yasmeen but they need one or two more new characters around the same age group.

  4. I don't think it's very fair to ask this after only 2 appearances, really. She's not settled into the part at all yet. Having said that, I think I do like her so far. She's stern but without that aggressive in-your-face attitude. She's disapproving of Leanne but she's also dignified and honest about her feelings. I don't think she's wooden but i also don't think she's over acting which could be tempting to do.

  5. Tvor - It's as much to say what I'd like to see from her as well as what we've seen so far, and I have high hopes for her.

  6. maggie muggins9 July 2014 at 19:34

    I think Yasmeen shows a lot of promise. She'd be able to interact with various age groups of parents, having 2 teen children (we've yet to meet Zeedan) and a grown son. She's certainly a far cry from Dev's aunties, whose hilariousness I loved, but they were sort of one-note.

    The actor Shelley King has a nice CV, with both TV & stage jobs.

    I wonder if she was a bit nervous in the first episode, because I think she did well in the next 2. Conventionally stern, yet potentially forgiving is how I see her so far. With a bit of mystery.I wonder how she gets on with her husband, who I think is a bit of a bossy gooseberry. Looking forward to the Roy connection!

  7. Hard to say..only saw her grilling Leanne really. Can't say one way or t'other--Smelliod

  8. I think they have to have interaction with other characters, not just her own family. She'll apparently be in a storyline with Roy and that's excellent. I expect Ken probably knows her as well. If they don't make her too stereotype mother-in-law bitchy, i.e. like Ivy was, and they have a softer, more tempered side, she'll be great

  9. So far, I like her best in that family. I hadn't liked the Nazirs when they were just Kal and Sharif, and not an Alya fan, yet, either. The family was duller than dust until Yasmeen perked them up. I liked the awkward not even water get together at Leanne's, and loved how she stood up to Nick. I hope she is already acquainted with Ken; friendships make the best stories. A double date with the elder Barlows and Nazirs could be interesting, I can see Sharif and Deirdre entertaining us over a background of wonky book talk.

  10. Do we need another matriarch? What about Audrey? Liz? Gail? Deirdre?
    I would like to see another patriarch for a change. Aside from Ken...who else is there...really...

  11. Frosty the Snowman10 July 2014 at 08:35

    Frosty is liking Yasmeen so far. She is a forthright strong "older" lady who the writers have to take care not to turn into another harridan and ruin like they did with Gloria. You cannot blame her at all for not being overjoyed at Leanne's relationship with her son, Muslim or not, Leanne is bad news and Frosty would have a fit if his son brought her home. Personally I find Leanne and Kal's relationshp totally unbelievable and faintly ridiculous.

  12. I'm not keen on the family as they just dont fit in, they just look uncomfortable in all their scenes but if they stay can they have a name change not being funny i keep reading the name as the nazi family oops

  13. Perhaps she could have scenes with Mary as I imagine she likely enjoys the library as well.

  14. I for one do not like the character. Typical immigrant family type person. Traditional to the max, no flexibility, keeping with "the old ways". I hope she will grow a heart or at least realize she is in the UK where anyone can marry/date anyone they like.

  15. I fast forward to the next scene if she is on. Her acting/character is more wooden than Dev's and that's saying something.

  16. I think Yasmeen is such a boring character and it's as if the actress is just reading the lines. I certainly don't look forward to the scenes she's in. On another note I'm loving the way Tim's character is developing and the interaction between him and Sally is great acting.

  17. Cannot bear her! Time to get rid!

  18. It's now 2022 and she is by far the most annoying character on the street. That whiney, grating voice and terrible Shakespearean acting. Please let's say goodbye to Yasmeen!
