Tuesday 10 June 2014

'Cute kid of the week on Coronation Street' award

I don't know why but I've go ta bit of a soft spot for a small kid in specs. I suspect it harks back to when my younger brother had to have his eyes tested when he was a toddler and he got very excited about the fact he might have to wear glasses.  So excited in fact that he started wearing a pair of my dad's old glasses, with the glass lens taken out.  When my brother's eyes were tested at th'ospickle, all was well and he didn't need to wear glasses but he kept on wearing that pair of dad's empty frames, for weeks afterwards.  Anyway, I digress.

My "cute kid of the week award on Coronation Street" goes to the little lad in specs who was in Barlow's Buys last night asking Tracy Barlow for his X-box back.

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  1. Not only was he appallingly cute, but the fact his Dad flogged his X Box broke my heart.

    I think Amy needs a boyfriend...

  2. Frosty the Snowman10 June 2014 at 08:10

    Surprised that shop is still doing business the way Tracy speaks to everyone.

  3. Bets on, the business goes bust by Christmas. Dodgy goods get rumbled and Rob's pretence is starting to crumble.

  4. Curly Watts son?

  5. He looks like a younger version of Eastender murdered Ben Mitchell....Tracy beware! mwahahaha

  6. I thought that little bit with the kid resembling Curly would be longer than it was but I guess they just wanted to emphasize Tracy's innate nastiness to all, young or old. Would have been wonderful to surprise the fans and have Curly walk in looking for his son (from a newer marriage)- could that actually happen, not have the press aware of a returning actor..?

  7. Agree, agree! He was super cute!
