Friday 16 May 2014

Two couples to split up on Coronation Street

There's a Coronation Street spoiler in today's Star that says two couples will call it quits on Corrie.

First to break up will be Steve McDonald  and Michelle Connor, who split in the wake of Tina McIntyre’s murder.  Michelle will find out that Steve knew about Tina's affair with Peter and she dumps Steve for not being honest with her.

The Star says that in a fierce row Michelle screams at Steve "you've got blood on your hands” and tells him: “I don’t want to share my bed with a liar.”

Then Anna Windass will split from her boyfriend Owen Armstrong after he discovers the truth about her sleeping with Pat Phelan.

However, actor Ian Puleston-Davis, who plays Owen, revealed in a radio interview this week that things might turn out fine in the end for the Windstrong pair.  Read about that here.

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  1. I'd have much preferred if Steve had dumped Michelle

  2. NZ Coro Junkie16 May 2014 at 07:39

    Steve and Michelle - finally. They had zero chemistry last time, so why they got back together again I'll never know.

    Please don't let them get back together. They both are far better with other people. Any chance Kieran could be lured back for instance??

  3. Me too Graeme. But at the same time I'd just like to say, "Run Steve! Run and don't look back!"

  4. Frosty the Snowman16 May 2014 at 08:16

    High time they split Michelle from Steve, she just drags him down and they should never have got back together in the first place. Just dont pair him up with the creepy grinning Andrea!! As for the Windarms not looking forward to a long drawn out break up and make up with the usual angst, we need a long rest from this family please!

  5. So would I, but as long as it's a permanent split, I can live with it!

  6. I quite like Owen and Anna together - I think they are genuinely in love and really care about each other, and she certainly brings out the best in him. It has all been a bit fraught recently, but I would like to see them having happier times.
    Will Steve ever find long-lasting happiness? Doesn't look like it! Michelle is a hypocrite - if she had found out that Carla was having an affair, she would not have told Steve, just as she has not told him about the pregnancy. Bring back Karen!

  7. I have a feeling he'll end up winning Michelle back because of the pub. Her name is on the license as well so she's got a claim on him. If only they'd stay split, though. Please, powers that be? I like Owen and Anna together and don't mind the Windasses at all.

  8. I expect Steve and Michelle to make up when Carla says 'don't let Tina wreck another relationship' or something similar. I can understand that Steve is weak but Liz is a strong character. IMO, she's more at fault. She could have dropped a few hints to Michelle to watch Peter and Tina. She wanted to protect Tina but this would have been a case of tough love.

    I'd be happy for all the Windarms to leave town.

  9. What will Michelle do now? Oh yeh, there's a job vacancy coming up in the factory, yawn!

  10. Obviously Michelle will throw Steve out of the pub and claim half the pub as hers as her name is on the license even though she put nothing into it and was seriously pissed off when she found out that Steve had bought the Rovers as she didn't want all the hard work that went with it.
    She will now be happy to claim the pub and everything else she can lay her sticky fingers on.

  11. So I guess that means that Michelle will take over Steve's half ownership in the Rovers and she and Liz will live happily ever after while Steve beds down in the taxi office.

  12. Michelle is an abuser. Abuse doesn't have to be physical to qualify.

  13. I am delighted to see this news but of course Michelle dumps Steve! She is always right! Along with most others I hope this relationship stays dead. Additionally that writers are beginning to work on her (FINAL) exit storyline.
    Hope Owen & Anna get through it though.

  14. Michelle will return to Underworld as her dynamic self after Peter leaves, throwing her weight around,arm folding and bad mouthing Steve - groan - why cant they just write this character out.

  15. Peter's leaving so she'll move in with Carla and help bring up the baby. There'll be a spare room 'cos with Peter gone there will be no reason for Carla to have Simon to stay as they've never really got on....

  16. I'm firmly in the camp that wants to see the back of both Michelle AND the Windarms -- Michelle's character has run out of steam and so has the Windarms as a family -- for them, all the angles have been played out -- not incredibly well but -- adoption, baby for Izzy, financial/romantic struggles, Gary's emotional struggles after his stint with war -- the only thing left is possible the return of Eddie Windass but it appears he's not coming back... I've had my fill with the lot of them and would welcome a new family with fresh/fresher stories in their stead...

  17. Ugh. I'd rather Steve and Michelle stay together than to have her dump him. She treats him like garbage. I hope they let him stay single a while. I have been enjoying Anna and Owen. I feel bad for what they're going through.

  18. I was afraid of this,Steve being made the scapegoat because he knew about Tina and Peter.Liz better not be a hyporcrite and take Michelle's side this time as she knew too while Carla was looking after Hayley who was dying and still allowed Tina to serve Carla.I hope Anna and Owen can get back together as I like them and in a way I blame Gary and his nasty temper for their breakup

  19. Liz will come to Steve's defense....afterall it is not like he is an alcoholic and cheated with a girl young enough to be his
    Hurrah for the end of Michelle and Steve. He is free at last!!!!!

  20. This is great news. It's a good time to shake things up on the Street and splitting up two couples at the center of a lot of negative commentary is a great start!

    Although I suppose Michelle being upset about Steve knowing about Pina likely means she's not the one who killed her off. So I guess that's me back to hoping it was Tracy and this time we'll see the back of her for good!

  21. The writers were trying to turn Steve and Michelle into the new Duckworths..her all gob and constant put-downs and him forever scraping and begging forgiveness..well, it didn't work. What a waste of time are these two? Glad they're through and do not ever try that again..twice was enough already.
    As for Owen and Anna..couldn't care less - two vile characters getting their comeuppance.

  22. The writers were trying to turn Steve and Michelle into the new Duckworths..her all gob and constant put-downs and him forever scraping and begging forgiveness..well, it didn't work. What a waste of time are these two? Glad they're through and do not ever try that again..twice was enough already.
    As for Owen and Anna..couldn't care less - two vile characters getting their comeuppance.

  23. I hate to say it but I bet neither of these split for good. The Windasses will get back together and I have a feeling so will Steve and Michelle as the writers seem t think theyre good together for some reason. - Micky

  24. Great news! The arm-folding, eye-rolling harridan has been bringing rSteve down for far too long. Lower the goofiness level in Steve a bit and put him in a relationship with someone on the street we wouldn't expect - but have the relationship develop slowly. Perhaps it could be genuine love and not just a handy warm body this time.

  25. I can't remember disliking the pairing of Steve with Karen or Becky, both women had real energy that was always fun to watch.
    Michelle zaps the energy out of every scene with the hapless, down-trodden and long-suffering Steve.
    Even when Michelle 'appears' to be nice to Steve, you can see it in her eyes that's she's itching to cut him down to size again; it's painful to watch sometimes; they are so not suited.

  26. It's funny that Michelle never told Carla she had 'blood on her hands'when Carla's affair with her brother Liam led to him being murdered by Tony Gordon but she'll say that to Steve about a barmaid who she hardly knows?!Give ma a break!

  27. Would Michelle have any legal claim to the Rovers?
    She and Steve aren't married and I thought I saw something a while back to the effect that common law marriage isn't recognised in the UK.
    Since she has put no money into the venture I was just wondering what legal claim she might have.
