Thursday 8 May 2014

The Roy and Anna Show

The death of Hayley was a momentous occasion in the world of Coronation Street, and rightly so.  A much-loved character breathed her last in heartbreaking, brilliantly acted scenes.

The moment that resonated with me the most in the whole episode, however, didn't involve Hayley or Roy; it involved Anna.  Arriving in the flat after Hayley had taken her lethal cocktail of drugs, Anna quietly picked up the glass she had used, washed it, and stowed it in the cupboard as if it had never been there.  She didn't say anything at all.  She just did it, understanding that she could help this horrible situation in a tiny way.

I loved that moment because it showed the essential good at the heart of Anna.  She can be misguided, a bit dodgy perhaps, and she's got terrible taste in men.  She's also saddled with a pretty annoying family.  But Anna herself - she's just a lovely lady, doing her best to get through life.  The whole Phelan saga has been something of a slog for me; I find it very hard to sympathise with Owen when he knew right from the off that Pat was dodgy as hell.  Even now I can't work out why he's selling the yard (which he can use for his business) and not Tina's flat (which is probably worth a lot more and is just a bit of property).  Anna has remained a centre at it all; watching her quietly collapse - and then sell herself for the good of her family - is devastating.

And that's why I really enjoyed her almost, but not quiet, confession to Roy in last night's episode.  I was willing her to tell him what she did.  Of all the people on the Street, Roy is the one least likely to judge; he'd view her decision with cold hard logic and he'd try to help.  He wouldn't be moralistic.  He'd also see it as a fair exchange for when he confided Hayley's decision in her.  The moment when he described himself as Anna's friend was beautiful.

I hope this is how the storyline continues, with Anna and Roy's friendship developing and they try to work things through.  Those two characters talking in the cafe really touched me.

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  1. Lovely post and spot on, Scott.

  2. Nicely written and I agree. I hope the friendship between the two of them gets even better.

  3. I've often thought they should have paired Anna with Lloyd, they would have made a very sweet couple. He would have been a better fit for her than dodgy, bad tempered Owen and much better at handling difficult Faye.

  4. So true - these are two (Roy and Anna) are true treasures of Coronation Street!

  5. Humpty Dumpty8 May 2014 at 20:01

    Anna was very good with Roy but that's because David Neilson lifts the performance of everyone he works with. Anna with anyone else is mediocre. David Neilson is a much under-rated actor and, imo, Julie H wouldn't have been half so good without him.

  6. Humpty,

    I couldn't disagree more. Debbie Rush is always good but last night she showed that she is outstanding.

  7. Great post. I am really enjoying this relationship. Good for Roy to have someone's problems to think about. Wednesday's cafe scenes were a highlight, well acted & a great start for new writer. I do think Debbie Rush tends to be underated, her storylines call for her to maintain misery but she is always realistic. Look out for her at upcoming awards ceremonies too - away from the street she looks great!!

  8. Really enjoyed reading this, thanks . What is very interesting is the way in which Roy is soldiering on and certainly not falling apart as many of us feared he might.
    He told Anna that he would not judge her. Many people say this but end up judging. Roy will not - we can be sure.

  9. Owen is selling both the yard and the flat.

    I've really grown to love Anna and Owen. I've always liked Gary, and I liked Eddie so it was difficult to warm to Anna and Owen but I have now. Their is a real truth in both characters and their relationships with others. Owen and Jason's scene was great last night too.

    But Roy and Anna is great.

  10. She wasn't too lovely with Joe MacIntyre-refusing to pay for kitchen cabinets which sent him on a downward spiral - we all know how that ended.

  11. I agree with you Anonymous 23:20, but you know how it is: different writers wrote that storyline back then, and personalities may change when others are writing.

  12. Great post, Scott. Well written.

    I have found the work of Debbie Rush outstanding these past few months. Her scenes with Phelan were fantastic. She is so believable-you feel the anguish and guilt every time is on screen. The scenes with Roy last night was another stand out performance. She had me in tears... I hope Debbie sticks around for a long time.

  13. NZ Coro Junkie9 May 2014 at 06:52

    I've always loved Anna and been quite perplexed at many on this blog who don't rate her. Debbie Rush has brought a much needed Earth Mother character to the street.

    The Joe McIntyre storyline was so long ago, I'd forgotten about it. And it's a bit tough to hold a character accountable for their often half-baked introduction to the street. Otherwise Sally would be a cheeky piece of work in white boots, instead of the wonderful modern day Annie-Walker she has become. Audrey would still be a shallow fly-by-night who neglected her kids. Becky would have been completely unredeemable. And Tracey, well Tracey would still be up in her bedroom listening to Duran Duran records

  14. Nobody can really judge a character by their introduction. I mean, should Stan Ogden be remembered as a lovable character rather than a wife beating alcoholic he originally was meant to be? Or Ena an unpleasant old woman that was portrayed in the early episodes rather than having many layers to her character that was later revealed?

    And I fail to see how not paying for one kitchen was the complete downfall of Joe, lets not forget David didn't help his cause tormenting him over his painkiller addiction.

  15. Having had my interest in Joe's fate revived, I've just watched on youtube Joe's final scenes with Gail.
    Now that was fantastic acting,absolutely riveting, something you couldn't fail to appreciate.
    I remember for a long time, the random sound of a Nokia ring-tone brought me right back to Joe's sad, lonely death,( how clever!) and Gail crying on the dock, as Joe cried at the end...good-- no, Great Stuff!

  16. I too....have always loved Anna..and of course it goes without saying...our dear VERY touching...lovely....I hope the writers continue to deepen their friendship....Stellar Corrie...Stellar!!
