Friday 16 May 2014

Spot the Corrie prop - May 16th 2014

Congratulations to one of our anonymous contributors who was the only one to correctly spot that last week's bundle of bling can be found in Leanne & Eva's flat.

We're going historic this week. For this week's prop puzzle all you have to do is tell us whereabouts on the Coronation Street set you could have found this bespectacled little bird.

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  1. Oooh I like the retro challenges. I'll guess at Minnie Caldwell's house, we've not heard her name for a while so she deserves a mention.

  2. I'll guess Ken and Valerie's?

  3. Oh look, it's the retro bird that's found percehed beside the cash register? in the lovely photo of Alma and Gail!

  4. it's right there on the cash register in the photo of the day! so i'll say the cafe.

  5. it's right there on the cash register in the photo of the day! so i'll guess the cafe

  6. A little birdie told me that this prop can be found in a retro photo on this page.

  7. In the cafe where Alma and Gail worked:)


  8. Jim's Cafe to be precise.

