Monday 5 May 2014

Preview of tonight's double Coronation Street - Mon 5 May

Coronation Street MONDAY 5TH MAY 2014 at 7.30pm
LLOYD FIGHTS FOR LIFE AS HE LOSES THE RACE Lloyd’s disappointed when Andrea fails to turn up at the race but continues to goad Steve. During the race, Steve accidentally trips up Lloyd and convinced Steve did it on purpose, Lloyd’s furious when he crosses the finish line before him. During a squabble with Steve, Lloyd collapses. Has Lloyd suffered a heart attack?
SALLY FEARS FOR HER FUTURE WITH TIM Sophie’s worried about Sally when she hears from Sean that Tim’s walked out on her.
OWEN RESOLVES TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF ANNA’S MOOD Owen confronts Anna wanting to know what’s bothering her. 
ELSEWHERE In a bid to get back into Rita’s good books, Dennis looks for a job.  Kal graciously lets Nick beat him in the race and Mary’s proud when Dev crosses the finish line.

Coronation Street MONDAY 5TH MAY 2014 at 8.30pm
LLOYD’S LIFE HANGS IN THE BALANCE A deeply upset Steve blames himself for Lloyd’s heart attack. Andrea arrives at the hospital and spins Lloyd a story about having to rush to the aid of a friend. Lloyd believes her but will Jenna and Eileen be so easily fooled?                                                                                                                                                 
OWEN DECIDES TO TAKE DRASTIC ACTION Owen is increasingly concerned about Anna’s behaviour and when she snaps at Faye, Owen thinks money worries are behind her outbursts. Owen wants Anna to be happy, but what is he willing to sacrifice to help his partner?
JASON FORCES SALLY AND TIM TOGETHER Jason tells Tim he needs to fight to get Sally back. Calling round to collect the rest of his stuff he kisses Sally and she kisses him back.
ELSEWHERE Dennis is devastated when Rita tells him she can no longer trust him and he has to find somewhere else to live. Julie hands Izzy the charity money they raised from the race which Izzy promises to add to the fund.

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1 comment:

  1. Frosty the Snowman5 May 2014 at 07:27

    Ha! Love the look on Jemma's face. Lets see more of her she is not a bad actress, you kept her on now do something with her! Lets hope this tale of Lloyd follows through, stands to reason a man of his age should not be smoking and boozing and eating kebabs and other rubbish food. Lets not have it all forgotton in weeks and back to Square One as I fear this is all going to be about Andrea and some tiresome BIG secret.
