Friday 9 May 2014

Pics: Coronation Street secret filming of Tina McIntyre's murderer

Paparazzi pictures have appeared online today showing furtive filming of Tina McIntyre’s killer caught in the act.

The Mirror has a gallery of great pics, taken during filming, and they say that the pics reveal how the murderer will try to cover their tracks.

Tight security measures were in place on the shoot, with screens held up to hide the action from onlookers.

The latest odds from the bookies suggest that Rob Donovan is the hot favourite to be revealed as her murderer, at odds of 2/5. Love interest Peter Barlow is close behind at 2/1 though, with Carla Barlow and Tracy Barlow also in the frame.

Who do you think will kill off Tina McIntyre?  Here's our guesses...

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  1. Would it not be Peter who murders Tina? He is leaving the show afterall..(frowning about that). If not Peter, how about crazy Maria? She might see Ty and Tina having a warm discussion, and acts in a fit of crazy..and jealous rage? Looking forward to the next 3 weeks, hoping they give us fans a bit of a tease leading up to it? Still 3 weeks away...

  2. It looks like that range rover that gangster kidnapped Rita in on her wedding day.

  3. Humpty Dumpty9 May 2014 at 19:51

    I wasn't sure if the car is part of the scene but if it is, they've shown the registration number. My guess, yes another one, is that Rob has his suspicions and goes round to Tina's where he finds Peter, dead drunk and half dressed. Rob loses his rag, lashes out at Tina and leaves with the murder weapon. Peter wakes up to find Tina, just plain dead.

  4. According to the picture caption in the Mirror, the car is being used to transport the actor to the scene, so it does not appear to be part of the scene.

  5. Graeme, are you hinting that the gangster that was responsible for Joe Macintyre's death has come back to get even with Tina for interfering with him and his drug business, after all this time?

  6. Frosty the Snowman10 May 2014 at 07:13

    Well she is annoying Frosty so much at the moment - hanging around the Barlows' flat like a bad smell yesterday - that it may be him that does her in!

  7. My problem with the up and coming murder of Tina is that there really is no build up to it. That would be great if we knew nothing and then we would be shocked making it a good move on the part of TPTB. As we have been 'teased' so far in advance it will surely be a damp squib and the only element of surprise, potentially, will be the identity of the killer. Given the tabloid and publicity machine hype, surely we could be given a script that might suggest someone is finding her a pain in the neck over a period of time. Someone who dislikes her and her ways, subtly shown by looks and manner. It is so incredibly silly that suddenly on the 26(?)May, she is going to meet a grisly end. I am not happy.

  8. Isn't that David Platt skulking around with his head covered? I think it's a red herring photo. My money is on Steph's brother. We don't know anything about him.

  9. David TG Riches11 May 2014 at 01:31

    So what are the odds that Simon is Tina's killer?

  10. It could be Rob, but Peter could agree to give him an alibi in return for not telling carla about the affair

  11. Abercrombie,Although I agree that Tina suddenly being killed off is a bit silly,I think the idea is to add more drama around her death with residents[ Rita in particular] wondering who on earth would want to murder 'sweet innocent'Tina as I have a feeling she will become a marty due to this storyline.
