Tuesday 6 May 2014

More news on the Andrea mystery

Our blogger Graeme blogged earlier today asking "Just what is it that Andrea is hiding?"  Graeme thinks Andrea is up to no good, or has something to hide.  And he just might be right.

In today's fab Inside Soap magazine, they tease this storyline a little bit with a spoiler picture from an upcoming episode to be shown on Coronation Street.

Andrea is seen opening the door of her home - where she's being given a bouquet of flowers from another man.  And this is not just a little 'bought it on the way home, from Dev's shop' type of bouquet.  It's huge!

Just what is going on?

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  1. Defrost Indoors6 May 2014 at 20:16

    Oh, let me guess, it's wrapped in pink plastic and has a lot of white lilies in it? Someone needs to count/get screenshots of all the times that bouquet has appeared.

  2. She is about to marry someone else... or she is a secret undertaker.

  3. OOOhhh! We're playing the speculation game!
    I think Andrea & her husband have been separated for a while, and now he's trying to reconcile, either for the sake of their troubled daughter, or because he's been dumped by the woman he left Andrea for. She's ambivalent about taking him back. She still cares about him and is considering their daughter, but she's enjoying the relationships with Steve and Lloyd, and likes feeling desirable again. She doesn't want Lloyd at her place, in case her husband shows up again.

    Any bets?!

  4. Sounds very reasonable to me, and since it would involve a (nother) love triangle, very probable as well.

  5. p.s. Andrea didn't make it to the fun run and to Lloyd's bedside because she was meeting her estranged husband. Jenna may follow her and see them together, then confront Andrea and demand that she tell Lloyd, which may trigger another heart attack.

    How'm I doin'?

  6. Hasn't the "Lloyd's girlfriend reconciling with her ex-husband" story already been done? Cheryl?

  7. Peter @peterprandradio on Twitter6 May 2014 at 22:47

    All sounds a bit predictable - another love triangle.

  8. Haven't you been watching lately? Predictable is the name of the game!

  9. I know, I know! Jenna follows her and it turns out Andrea is actually Andrew. It was a dare from his boyfriend to see if he could find folks dimwitted enough to buy the Andrea disguise. Wouldn't such a plot be too ridiculous for Corrie? Oh, wait.

  10. Frosty the Snowman7 May 2014 at 07:27

    Not another lurrve triangle PLEASE! Whatever it is Andrea seems to have plenty of free time to stop over with Lloyd and hang on to him limpet like in the Rovers. To be honest this character now irritates me so I really dont care very much! Just wish Jenna would slap her one.

  11. We already have a kind of love triangle so if we add an estranged husband who wants to reconcile... I guess it is a love quadrangle? Whatever... like you've said above... PREDICTABLE... meh!!! At first I thought the Andrea character was going to introduce something interesting...fresh into the mix because she was smart, vivacious, ambitious but once again the writers appeared to have underwhelmed us again by dropping the ball and not following through and instead of revealing an interesting character there's instead an awkward and lame kind of "secret"...

  12. I think Andrea's character lost momentum as Hayley Tamadon was released to do that skating show shortly after she had been introduced. It's always difficult to build up steam again when this happens

  13. I hope that Andrea is innocent of any wrong doing, just to wipe the smug, narky looks off the faces of Michelle, Jenna and Eileen--who are more annoying than Andrea has been. Why not let Andrea just be a cheery fun loving lass and not be turned into some kind of hate figure? Smelloid

  14. I think it's no coincidence that she appears to be wearing a rabbit fur coat. It's possible her estranged husband is sniffing around and she's weighing up whether to take him back or stay with Lloyd. And as an undertaker, I can assure you that we do not receive your funeral flowers at our personal homes.

  15. I find Jenna really annoying, always going on and very boring
    Feel sorry for the actress acting her
    But it wouldn't surprise me if there is another love triangle on the way it was Corrie is known for!

  16. I also hope that Andrea is innocent of any wrongdoing as it seems almost every issue storyline,Tyrone's domestic abuse,Simon being cyberbullied and now Lloyd's health issues becomes an excuse for affairs.As for Eileen she's a bit hyporcritical thinking the worse of Andrea when she had an affair with a married man and her son Todd broke up Marcus and Maria.
