Thursday 15 May 2014

Meet the rest of Kal's family

We've already met Kal's father, Sharif Nazir and following on from the news that Sair Khan will be playing Kal Nazir's daughter Alya, ITV has announced the names of the actors that will be playing Sharif's wife and Kal's son.

Shelley King will be playing Kal's mother, Shariff's wife Yasmeen and Qasim Akhtar will be playing his son, Zeedan. Qasim will be familiar to Shameless fans and Ms. King has made a name for herself on the stage and is known for tv roles in The Bill, Tandoori Nights and Angels.

We'll meet Alya next month, with Yasmeen after that and Zeedan will be along in the summer. Kal's family will not take his relationship with Leanne well and Kal will be struggling to keep everyone happy. 

Shelley King's details at
Qasim Akhtar's details at

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  1. Another family brought in, but what are they going to do with them? Mummy doesnt look like she will bond with old Leanne!

  2. It will be interesting to see where most of the action with this family takes place. I assume we won't see them sitting in the Rovers night after night. I don't mind another family as long as there is interaction with other people on the Street. I'm sick of these family sagas where there's nothing but in-fighting.

  3. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN! While it's great- of course- to have a Muslim family in Corrie, they've been so BORING so far. Tonally, they don't feel like a Corrie family

  4. Oboy..wait till his kids find out what dear of dad's been up to. Poor Leanne is in for it!

  5. I honestly just can't see how tbe heck Kal is supposed to be old enough to have kids that age! When they said he had kids I was picturing maybe 5-8 years old. Not late teens, early twenties type. I don't mind JM but really, they're going to run out of storylines for him quickly. You can't have characters suddenly having epiphanies and going to the gym every 2 weeks.
    And just get rid of Nick period. I can't stand the actor. He just isn't Nick! Nick was a rough kid, a real trouble maker, always into mischief. Who is this "posh" Nick??? It just doesn't work!

  6. Trying to keep up with the diversity of EE? Why do we need yet another ENTIRE family? There are already so many characters on the Street who aren't being used.

  7. Frosty the Snowman16 May 2014 at 07:15

    Although I think its diverse to bring in a Muslim family, I too wonder what they are going to do with them and agree they cant be seen hanging around the Rovers although Kal hangs around the Bistro rather unbelievably. Surely they cant show the daughter to be the usual bed hopping slapper or the son "with bad attutide" and the mother an old harridan. Should be very interesting!!

  8. nZ Coro Junkie16 May 2014 at 07:41

    Perhaps they'll take over the butcher's shop and it will finally be useful again
