Thursday 1 May 2014

Fat Brenda missed off list of Sexiest 100 Women in the World

Coronation Street cab operative Fat Brenda has been missed out again in the rankings for the Sexiest 100 Women in the World.

Corrie's Michelle Keegan  is the highest ranking British name in the list, and is runner-up overall.  If you care about such things, the list is here.

We contacted Fat Brenda for a quote but she was drowning her sorrows with a cup of Mellow Birds and a Dunhill.   Follow her on the tweeter at @fatbrenda.

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  1. Where IS Fat Brenda, by the way? I really miss her!

  2. What an outrage! It's got to be fixed!

  3. What a snoozefest these lists are.

  4. I have been wondering where Fat Brenda is too. She used to be a regular poster on the BlogSpot and I miss her!

  5. Please blog here again Fat Brenda - we all think you are the #1 sexiest woman in the Universe! There should be a National outcry over her omission from this list - perhaps a peaceful million Corrie fan March ending at Buckingham Palace - could the Queen be notified?

  6. It's a travesty!

  7. I'm here! Thanks for all yer comments about me being 100% mega-fit an' that! I'll have to do a cream horn now I know folk are missing it!



  8. Thank you, Brenda! Now my day is complete!
