Saturday 10 May 2014

Corrie Weekly Awards, May 5 - 9

Personal Trainer award: Mary!

History re-write award: When Jason first came to Weatherfield he was training to run in the Commonwealth Games. He didn't run in the 5K race. I guess that's been buried in the past.

Competitive award: Mary does have that drive to be the best, but it's Monopoly, Chess or crossword puzzles (and entering competitions!)

Job Seeker's Allowance award: Well, if Dennis, a pensioner, seems to feel he must have a job, why isn't he claiming unemployment benefits while he works? I will tell you why. He's drawing a flaming pension!

Musical ambience award: "Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word" playing when Tim is trying to woo Sally back.

No pressure there, then: Peter's not even back home 5 minutes but Tina's in his face.

War Brewing award: Jenna and Andrea are loading and firing at each other, snarky looks and veiled remarks. It hasn't gone unnoticed.

Fraternity award: Lloyd and Steve. Brothers from different mothers.

Tattle tales award: Izzy "borrowed" the charity money. Sally told Carla and Katy told Gary.

Lines of the week:
Steve "Don't be all stick and no carrot!" Michelle "You just forget about your carrot"
Norris to Dennis "If you're looking for a horoscope, I'll save you the trouble. Your future's not looking rosy"
Mary "Stirring sight, isn't it? A sort of lycra-clad microchasm of society united by a common purpose" Eileen "I was thinking the same thing"
Tim "I'm mot feckless, I'm  just a little disorganized at times"
Anna "OUR WASHING MACHINE'S BROKEN!!" Roy "I don't think this is about a defunct appliance"
Carla "Thing is about addicts, they lie like other people breathe"
Michelle "Steve eithout Lloyd is like Turner without Hooch"
Maddie to Sally "I think I prefer it when you're slagging me off cause it's less creepy"
Lloyd about Andrea "It's going to take more than a pathetic heart to come between us" (classic Phrase of Doom and it could be Jenna that does  the coming between if her reaction is anything to go by)
Lloyd "Get some rest...with Ali and Forman slugging it out over me?"
Sally about Tim "He called me a snob! Can you believe that!!?" (Sean certainly can)

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  1. On the whole, I'd say this week was the best collection of episodes for a while; really enjoyed all the episodes and even found Maddie less annoying than normal. Plus the fun run felt like old school Corrie too :-)

    Trouble I find with Corrie normallt is the different writing styles some of the writers have; some clearly "get" the essence of Corrie more than others, and it can be very telling from one episode to the next.

    This week the baton was passed on from one writer to the next seamlessly. Keep up this standard please!!

  2. PS: Look at Kym Marsh's reaction when Mary's shouting "Run Dev, Run."

    That is definitely the actress, not the character reacting and it had me in stitches just as much as Mary :-)

  3. Did Mary really say "microchasm"? That's brilliant!

  4. Loved this weeks Corrie. Good lot of episodes this week. Good writing and the fun run was needed to counterbalance all of the doom and gloom of late. Love the bromance with Steve & Lloyd. I personally like Andrea and her bubbly personality, I understand how people find her annoying but I like her, I just hope its not long before we find out what her secret is. I want them to do something decent with Kal and his dad. Jimi Mistry is a good actor but this role is doing it for me. Everything is going good and I hope that they don't pair Mary and Dev together. I don't think it's needed. Also Fiz & Tyrone are to find out about Maria soon so that's all good, least it's not being dragged out so Corrie looks good in the next few weeks. Tina's murder, Jim's back, so yes, alot to look forward to! ..

  5. 'microcosm' I thought, sorry to be рedantic!

  6. Yes, "microcosm" normally. That's why I thought "microchasm" was brilliant.

  7. I would like to nominate Sally for the 'Hyporcrite Award'She and Greg Kelly stole from Mike Baldwin but she's the one to tattle on Carla?!I also think it would be hyporcritical for Carla to fire Izzy but employs Fiz who has a criminal record for fraud.

  8. I agree that this week saw a general return to form for the show.
    Partly due to less attention to characters love lives.
    Great acting from Anna, Roy, Owen, Izzy & Tim. Nice to see Lloyd & Steve bonding again. Found myself warming to Madder her scenes with Sally were excellent.
    My awards this week are:
    "Call the (Fashion) Police" to Eva for the Brit Knee Spice look at Fun Run & to Sean for Mondays Bet Gilroy cast off.
    Line of the week - Tracey "Never buy a mermaid tights"
    Great week!

  9. Steve and Lloyd are one of the best things about the show and it was nice to see their relationship given the attention it deserved in this storyline. Steve's role in Lloyds life was portrayed as just as important as that of family or partner and vice versa. For me, line of the week was Steve telling Lloyd 'Seeing you in all that pain was like having my arm cut off'. So often these two squabble and bicker to hide their fondness for each other so it was nice to see it out in the open. It's a sad truth that it often takes an event like this to get people to open up but, whatever happens next, Steve and Lloyd know they are more than friends. They really are bros.

  10. Frosty the Snowman11 May 2014 at 08:36

    Ham Heart attack award: Lloyd did not act like a man who was having a heart attack with his smart Alec remarks. If Corrie is going to do a serious subject, then don’t trivialise it with “comic” scenes.

    112 award: Why did nobody just call an ambulance, just stood around gawping, surely Jenna would be trained in First Aid as an ex physio. Just stood around like numpties when everyone would have a mobile phone - DOH

    Most Boring Secret award: All this eye darting and ‘secret; phone calls and texts for Andrea, do any of us really care, certainly not me. Has anyone told Mandy about Lloyd’s heart attack, or has she been airbrushed out now?

    Worst crying award: Izzy does crying with the strangest face pulling. But Frosty does have a modicum of sympathy with her, she didn’t really mean to rob the fund just borrow some cash but why the bill had to be paid immediately and couldn’t have waited for a few more days, I don’t know. With a baby in the house they would never be cut off anyway.

    Hypocrite’s award: Sally has already been mentioned but none of them are whiter than white and have been sacked for some misdemeanour at some time. I wonder what Fizz’s reaction will be when she was a thief herself.

    Great new business award: Myself I would like Tony and Jason to set up in the builders yard as Tony is an enigmatic character with lots of mileage in him and I think Owen has had his day on the Street but I doubt very much if that will happen.

    Personal Trainer of the Year award: Kal is supposed to be a fit personal trainer but he just about completed a 5k race huffing and puffing like a 70 year old.
