Sunday 4 May 2014

Corrie weekly awards for April 28 - May 2

Rebound award: Maria's latching on to Tyrone like she's drowning and her machinations are already wedging Tyrone and Fiz apart.

Non-Self Esteem award: Beth for wanting new boobs. Sinead for thinking she isn't beautiful.

Financial Fail award: Where did Katy get the cash to buy a new dress if the whole family is eating leftovers from Roy's Rolls these days?

Moral Minority award: Since when has David been the one to instruct people on right from wrong? He really must be growing up!

Hissy Fit award: Kal might be in a snit about Leanne but taking it out on Nick isn't the way to make himself feel better.

Supervisor award: Sally is concerned with Sophie and Maddie "home alone". Maddie might not be 18 but Sophie is an adult. Sally can't say anything about it.

Awkward award: Kal got invited on Nick and Leanne's "date" (along with Eva)

Pants on Fire award: Steve is pedalling hard to make sure Lloyd doesn't find out about him joining the gym.

Ostrich award: Tim reckons it's better to bury your head in the sand sometimes. Perhaps he's right on this occasion.

Hypocrite award: Lloyd might not have joined a gym but he's making attempts at a healthy lifestyle so why get so ticked at Steve?

Drunk and ugly award: There's a reason Sinead doesn't drink.

Lines of the week:

Sally to Maddie "Try not to have a fight with yourself on the way home."
Sinead "I may be a lot of things, but beautiful isn't one of them." (I beg to differ"
Beth "I was never the obvious pretty one, or the boring, clever one, so I just became the gobby one"
Steph "It's why they invented gift cards"
Nick "Kal isn't the problem!" (yes it is, this time)
Steve "It's official. Gyms are the work of Satan"
Gail "You weren't there. It was  like a scene from Rocky"
Steve to Lloyd "Who are you, the Man from DelMonte?" Lloyd "I say Yes!"
Tim "It's not Narnia, it's King's Landing!" (Game of Thrones!)
Sally "I'm Sally Cake Monitor not Sally Traffic"
Maddie "We always lose!!" (if you didn't go off the edge all the time, maybe you would win now and then)
Sally "Having a bit of pride isnt' being a snob"

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  1. Frosty the Snowman4 May 2014 at 10:28

    Cringe of the week award: Sinead who got drunk in the Bistro because Katy No Money had the same tarty orange dress as her and then started jerking about like Simon Smith’s amazing dancing bear to Oasis. Just embarrassing.

    Not very quick on the uptake award: Fizz picked up Tys phone to see a text from Maria, I really thought she was going to see that the text from “Kirstay” was from exactly the same number but she missed that one – dah

    Fed up with the head award: Unshaven Nick moaning, drowning in self pity and holding his head is now becoming very tiresome indeed. Either get some proper professional help/therapy or shut up!

    Stupid, selfish and pathetic award: The awful MaddAH even thinking she and Soppy could bring her brother up (what a nice kid he was), dossing about with her and Mumbler rather being with a family that cared for him in a nice house by the sea. Yeah what a choice, surprised she didn’t expect to move him into Sally or Kevin’s while still being rude to everyone. I find anything to do with MaddAH boring and tedious in the extreme.

    Limpet award: Andrea just sticking like glue to Lloyd’s side, obviously something not quite right about this woman but don’t really care. She is rapidly becoming a very slappable character after a good start.

    Always in the boozer award: Why does Tyrone always have to go to the pub? Why not have a night in with your kid like normal parents do? The scene with him hugging wooden Maria just as Fizz walked in was one of the most contrived ever.

  2. Ba Ba Blacksheet4 May 2014 at 11:43

    Conflicting memory award: Beth whined she was never the pretty one at school yet rememnber Steve said when she was his girlfriend, which is how she came into in the first place, she was supposed to be "stunning".

  3. Humpty Dumpty4 May 2014 at 11:48

    Humour-free award: Several contenders for this, but the main winners are Maddie and Sophie. They're young females who would spend a lot of time giggling and laughing together. Can we see this side of their relationship.

    Zero-chemistry award: Kal and Leanne marginally beating Nick and Leanne.

    What am I doing here? award: Andrea.

    Good point, Frosty, about the phone. Has Maria's old phone been fixed?

  4. Not 100% but I think Maria told Audrey in the Rovers that she had been to pick up her phone.

  5. My nominations this week - a More Please Award for Tim - some great scenes with Sophie, opening up about Faye and finally telling Sally she had gone to far and leaving. Will she learn, I doubt it.
    Bitch of the Week - Steph. Not only for giving Chesney the, go for tarty, dress advice but for enjoying the double dress drama too much. At least someone did!

  6. Frosty,I agree with your comments about Tyrone always being in the pub as I always wondered the same thing too.I think it's a bit contradictory for Tyrone to be so concerned about 'Kirsty' returning and taking Ruby to never be with his daughter but in the pub with Fiz and Maria[who are never with their children either]instead. Kevin is another parent who's always in the pub instead at home with his young son Jack.

  7. Good catch, Ba Ba Blacksheet, Yes I remember Steve saying Beth was a model and really gorgeous when he dated her years ago which was why it was a shock to see her and dopey Craig on that blind date. Mind you, I don't care, i really like Beth and Craig is a good character, too.

  8. It wasn't the same number, Frosty. Maria's text came up as 'Maria' whereas the 'Kirsty' text, immediately below it, just had the number of - what American tv shows call - a 'burner' phone; the pay-as-you-go temporary handset Maria bought while her own was fixed, which she said would take a week. Presumably she has her own phone back now, but kept the burner to continue sending rogue texts.

  9. I did think it amusing the other week when Fizz and Tyrone asked Maria to babysit - presumably Maria had to ask Kirk to babysit Liam before saying yes!
