Monday 12 May 2014

Coronation Street Double Episode Review 12 May 2014

So far, Liz, Steve and Steph know that Peter and Tina are having an affair. Rob doesn't know, though he may suspect that his much-despised brother-in-law is up to no good, though he doesn't what the 'no good' is. Peter blathers about meeting a client but Rob isn't fooled. After all, his history suggests he's been in plenty of scrapes himself - takes one to know one. If Rob did discover that Peter was cheating on Carla with Tina, the girl who loves to taunt his fiancee, well, we can only imagine his fury, especially now that Carla is pregnant.

Tina confides in Steph that she is having an affair with Peter and makes Steph promise not to tell anyone. The more people who know, the more chance the secret has of escaping someone's mouth.

Today is a very important day for Carla and strong and independent though she is, she is keen to have Peter with her as she goes for her scan. Peter has been a father for a while, but for Carla,this is her first pregnancy, a pregnancy that she wasn't sure she wanted, and certainly not one that she had planned. Since Carla's friendship and kindness towards Hayley, she has achieved a good degree of popularity, but in the factory, she shows  her tough business-like self, so when it comes to Izzy having taken some of the charity money, money raised in Hayley's name and memory, how would  we have expected Carla to behave?

Beth is very scathing towards Izzy, and blatantly calls her a thief- 'steals on wheels' which is really not on. Eva is surprisingly kind and Sean displays tolerance.
If Izzy had thought, before stealing the money, of asking her friends or even approaching Carla for a loan, she would not be feeling the shame and humiliation that she is now. Izzy, was in a panic, she needed it immediately. This is not to defend her, more to explain her actions and the belief that she would have been able to pay it back before anyone noticed. There are many worse crimes.

Carla asks Izzy to stay on which is a massive relief given the dire straits she and Gary and the whole family are in. As Anna points  out, concerning Carla, 'It's not like she's never made a bad decision - she wakes up with one every morning.' As Anna says, if Hayley was still here she would understand.

Beth is off to Latvia tomorrow for her breast enhancement operation and seems to have done her homework on the geography of Latvia, much to Eva's amazement. Beth's family are set against her trip. Sinead tells Beth that she looked up to her when she was growing up, and is now disappointed because she believes that Beth is only having the operation because of the comments people made about her on the internet when she was in the paper after foiling the handbag thief. Craig is upset, naturally enough. His mum is having an operation and things do go wrong. Kirk is more than happy with her as she is, so it seems that she has got it into her head that she must do this. 'No one is going to put me down - no one.' Does anyone else get the feeling that things won't work out somehow? Off she goes in the taxi saying, 'Latvia or bust - Latvia and bust!'

Michelle pops into the factory to wish Carla good luck with her scan. Michelle is sweet to her friend, telling her that though she is 39 she is in a better state of health than most women half her age. I would like to bet that Steve would be delighted to be treated so nicely by Michelle.

In the morning, before the scan at 5.30pm, Peter cannot eat his breakfast. He seems very down and unable to rest. As soon as Carla leaves for the factory he is out the door and the first person he meets is Tina. She insists on going with him, and they end up in a hotel bar. Tina goes to the toilet and Rob appears asking Peter questions, knowing he's lying and threatening him if Peter hurts Carla. On edge, as any minute Tina could reappear, Peter is saved because Rob has to leave. Rob  tells Peter that he must be here for 'drink or skirt' and it seems unlikely that Rob and Peter will ever bury the hatchet unless it is in each other's heads.

Clearly rehab has not had much of an impact on Peter. He goes to a pub, gets drunk, disappoints Carl   goes home and gets a beating from her. Carla is no Kirstie, but she is so angry that she loses control. She flings the scan photograph at him so that he can see their 'beautiful baby. ' Peter falls to the floor in a drunken, crumpled heap and sobs.

Maria has to put up with some insults from Todd. She is in  the pub with Luke, who seems like good company. Maria though, is distracted as Luke tells her he is actually David Beckham. She does not react because she cannot take her eyes off Todd and Marcus. Maria and Todd arrive at the bar together, and after a bit of a set-to as to who should be served first, predictably an argument breaks out.  Maria tells him no one wants him, he very annoyingly corrects her grammar, then tells her that he doesn't know why she doesn't wear a bin liner as she's been dumped so many times. Witty, but cruel. He tells her that she is 'a clapped out crimper'  too but just at that moment Tyrone comes in and punches Todd. On Maria's face we can just detect the shadow of a smile. She is pleased that Tyrone acted the way he did.

And so to Tony who is buying Owen's yard for peanuts. Tony sees a clarinet in the window of Barlow's Buys, but says he won't be buying as his Acker Bilk days are over. Rob and Tony chorus 'who' - too young to know. (Sadly  some of us aren't).

Roy and Anna continue to deepen their friendship. Roy is a font of wisdom, as was Hayley and he says to Anna, 'the longer you carry it, the heavier the burden will become.' He is talking of course about Anna not telling Owen the truth about having slept with Phelan. But now is not the right time with Owen experiencing a crisis of confidence at being unable got support his family.

The secret will come out - it's just a matter of when. Tina's affair with Peter will come out and that is getting nearer...

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  1. I'm a viewer in Canada so we haven't had this storyline yet. But in response to the comment Owen supporting his family - I have a few comments:
    1)Katie needs to find a job - nothing fancy she worked in the kabob shop I'm sure she could find something
    2)How old is Faye supposed to be - she looks at least 14 - she could get a paper route, babysitting jobs something
    3)Stop eating in the café and drinking in the Rovers - and tell Gary and Izzy to eat at their own home - they are constantly there for meals. Sorry for the rant but it infurates me the way the kids on Corrie forever sponge off their parents. My son has worked since he was 11 starting with a paper route (his own idea) then worked part-time all the way through highschool, college and university. That is why he has such an excellent work ethic.

  2. I agree with most of your points and even the one about getting a paper round or something but kids should do that only in order to earn their own money (as opposed to being given pocket money) to do what they want with, learn the value of earning, saving etc and as you say, work ethic...

    But... until they leave school kids should not be responsible for contributing to household expenses, they have enough to worry about with constant academic testing, seemingly from the year they start nowadays (as opposed to my generation - I left school in 1990 and the only exams I remember taking before my GCSEs were the mock exams the year before - no SATS).

    They shouldn't have to worry about the lecky bill too!

    Believe me, I know a thing or two about this subject - I grew up in severe poverty because of my dad's gambling addiction and was well aware of my parents money and marital problems all through my teenage years. I had three paper rounds in order to not have to ask my parents for money, but without writing a novel, the stress of home life severely affected my academic performance. Something I had to put right at my own expense in my twenties and something I resent them for (lost opportunities).

    Kids shouldn't be exposed to their parents' problems in that way.

  3. With regards to the Windasses eating and drinking in the Rovers & café, this is always going to be the artistic license of soaps in order to allow for interaction with other characters.

  4. Frosty the snowman13 May 2014 at 07:59

    So the poor old Windasses are stoney broke - yet still afford cans of booze. Bored with Anna and her bleating now. And yes why doesnt lazy little Katie get a job? Fed up to the back teeth with this family now about time they had a fall.

    Peter was amazingly selfish even by his standards last night but bigger fool Carla for getting involved with him in the first place, Leanne had a lucky escape.

  5. I found Michelle being "nice" more stomach churning than when she is just being herself. Interesting though how quickly the conversation became all about HER - bleating on about motherhood - this from a woman who raised the wrong baby for eighteen years and tried to bully Steve into having the snip to avoid having any more.

    Speaking of children - and I am all for artistic license - BUT - Tyrone was so worried about Kristy trying to take Ruby but he & Fiz, leave her & Hope somewhere to head off t'Rovers - giving him chance to defend professional victim Maria's (tarnished) honour.
    Mother of the year, Maria was only in the pub to make sure Marcus (the monster) did not try to get near to Liam who is clearly being raised by Ozzie the dog in a Nana from Peter Pan scenario we have yet to explore.

    Rob & Tracey remained good value.

    But the highlight for me was the continuity annoucer saying over the closing credits "Is Tina's life about to come crashing around her?" Where has she been!

  6. Katie does or did have a job. she worked for Owen in the Yard though I'm sure that's done now that the yard is as well. She may also be getting single mum benefits or child support payments from Chesney.

  7. why don't Gary and Izzy move in with the others and save wasting rent and other exрenses? Isn't this a logical move? And who looks after Jake when everyone's out? Questions that need to be addressed ;)

  8. The stand out scene from the ep was the last scene: Peter & Carla, brilliant acting from them both! ..

  9. Tiddles.. good point! Also all of the snipes about parenting: child protection laws and plot needs means that we can't actually show everyone rushing to daycare after work and running home to make tea/sort out homework like in real life.. they're at the pub/roy's... as if they didn't have kids at all!
    Except Tracy: it's well known that she's a crap mother ;)
    Rebecca in TO

  10. Ty Stewz: Absolutely agree about Peter and Carla. What a terrible loss Chris G is going to be. He can do a believable drunk like nobody else and he's completely compelling as the tragic character, hurtling towards self-destruction. I've never been mad about Carla/Alison K but, last night, she too was brilliant.

  11. Yes indeed what a brilliant performance Chris G and Alison King gave us - compelling stuff!

  12. Chris G. and Ali K really knocked it out of the park!!!

  13. Although Katy worked in the yard I see no reason why she shouldn't be looked for work, especially as Gary and Owen are trying to find anything they can to make money. Its no as if she has much of her plate, she doesn't even spend time with Joseph. Perhaps Owen should ask her where she got her money from to buy that dress and go out to the Bistro a couple of weeks ago.
