Wednesday 5 March 2014

Top 50 Corrie Couples - No. 8

8. Mike Baldwin and Alma Sedgewick/Baldwin 1989-1999 (144 votes)

Mike was instantly attracted to divorcee Alma in 1989. But it wasn’t smooth sailing from the start. Mike often dumped Alma for other women and even married Jackie Ingram! But it was when Alma started dating Mike’s nemesis Ken Barlow that Mike realised that he was the man for Alma. Despite her suspicions about him, they married in 1992.

During their marriage, Alma was often exasperated by Mike’s dodgy business dealings and underhand tactics. Mike tried to make Alma see things from his point of view, but she often ignored him. Their marriage was also plagued by Mike’s rivalry with Don Brennan. Mike had ruined Don’s life – he’d bankrupted him and taken his business off him. Don sought revenge on Baldwin by first setting the factory on fire and then kidnapping Alma in his taxi and driving into the canal. Both survived and then a few months later Don returned and tried to run down Mike but crashed into the viaduct and died. 

The Baldwins were back on track for the next couple of years, despite Alma’s jealousy of Mike’s involvement in the trial of wrongly accused Deirdre Rachid. A jealous Alma even announced in the Rovers about Mike and Deirdre’s affair in 1983. But in 1999, Mike was charmed by con artist Julia Stone and began a fling with her. When she found out, Alma left Mike and Mike soon began a relationship with Linda Sykes, to Alma’s horror. This was a sign that the marriage meant nothing to Mike.

They divorced in 2000 and Mike married Linda but the marriage soon ended when Mike found out about Linda’s affair with his son Mark. Mike had also grown close to Alma again due to her having terminal cancer. Mike was heartbroken when Alma died in 2001 and any chance of a reunion was now tarnished. Of all of Mike’s conquests, it seems that Alma was his one true love.

Were you fans of Mike and Alma? Should they be in the top 10?

Check out who was at 9.

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