Wednesday 12 March 2014

How to visit the Coronation Street set tour

Tours will run throughout the day from 10am to 6pm (with extended hours at weekends and holidays).  From April 5 - 21, you can take the tour from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. After that, the evening tours will just be Saturdays and Sundays.

Visits will take between one and two hours and part of visit will include a guided tour on Stage One with selected sets and highlights from Corrie over the years then take time to walk the famous cobbles of the Street itself.
Studio guides will share with you fascinating facts and stories from over 50 years of filming at the former site. There will be a guest cafe and souvenir shops for you to enjoy as part of their “Behind the Scenes” visit.
Tickets are on sale now through Ticketmaster here. 

The dates for the tours are April 5 - October 4. 

You will pick your date and time of entry. Tickets for an adult will cost £16.50, (£16.00 seniors, £15.00 children, family of 4 £13.50@ buying four at a time with 2 adults max.) You can have them delivered in the U.K. for £2.50 or spend an extra 75p to print them at home and that works for international buyers, as well. International buyers can also pick up the tickets on site. 

Julie Goodyear buys the first tour ticket.

See also - Coronation Street fan things to do in Manchester

See also - Coronation Street set tours by coach from over 450 UK locations

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  1. Me! i'm going! Do you know if April means April 1? I'd be annoyed if it doesn't open until after Easter because I'll be back home by then

  2. Not sure Diane, as soon as I know the exact dates, I'll post them and let you know...

  3. I'm thinking of going as well! Maybe I'll see you there! ;)

  4. That would be cool, Llifon. We will likely be going mid week rather than a weekend. Will let you know when we decide. Will probably depend on the weather that week in April.

  5. Yes I'm not sure when I'm going yet. Between April and September anyhow. I'd prefer to go midweek too just to avoid the weekend business.

  6. I want to go in July. Hopefully it will be open to individuals, and not just to groups.

    Have to have one last walk on those hallowed cobbles.

  7. Oh i think it will, bbhilda. You buy a ticket and they'll take groups of people around in a tour. I think if you bought your ticket, they'd tell you when the next tour starts so you'd probably have to wait for that. I imagine they'll have a pre-book online option as well.

  8. Coming from Canada - can't wait

  9. can u have your picture taken outside the kabin the cafe etc .. as well as the rovers

  10. Exciting stuff! There's so many dates! :)

  11. This is in the fine print: General Rules - No cameras, video cameras or audio recording devices. Only allowed on external part of the tour...surely they can't be serious?

  12. Oh really? :( ah well, at least you can take outside pics :)

  13. Booked - can't wait to go!

  14. Thanks for the reminder, booked and looking forward to April.

  15. Booked, May 17th . Can't wait!

  16. Will this be every year in these months? I can't come over there this year, but we were planning a trip next year.

  17. As far as I know, the site is going to be redeveloped. This year would be the last "kick at the can" from what we know at this point.

  18. Crazy to redevelop this. Having a tour of the old set is a gold mine I bet!!!

  19. An absolutely wonderful experience - but no time to linger apart from on the cobbles at the end. The sheer volume of visitors means that it would be mad to lose this set to redevelopment.

  20. I am taking a large group of people in September. Can anyone tell me anything about toilet facilities, what sort of food the cafe sells and if the souvenir shop is any good ?! Thanks

  21. I am going end of June, really looking forward, part of group booking with coach from Essex and overnight stop.
    The info on here has been useful thanks, now I am aware of little time you get to view inside at least I am prepared.
    With the vast numbers visiting it is mad to develop on this site at the moment, they are making loads of money.
