Wednesday 19 February 2014

Video: Should Corrie have more scenes like this?

Although I'd seen this scene in the full episode on YouTube a few weeks ago, it was only recently that I found out that someone had taken the scene out and produced it as its own clip, which great.

The episode was originally broadcast on the 3rd of January 1999. The residents are all taking the news that former shopkeeper, former mayor and pillar of the community Alf Roberts has died.

Here we have Jim McDonald, Jack and Vera Duckworth, Fred Elliott, Ken Barlow and Betty Williams discussing Alf's life and their opinion of him, in a scene, which in my opinion, what makes Corrie shine!

As I watch it, I ask myself: when did I see that happening in Corrie recently? Okay, maybe you get the rarity of seeing it in the cab office or the Kabin, but I'd like to see it more often. Wouldn't you?

Betty Driver often said that with the increasing speed of the show, with more scenes per episode, you lost those great moments of folk talking about nowt! Even though the clip above is only under two minutes, it's still great!

So please Corrie writers and producers, can we have more of those classic Corrie scenes!

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  1. An interesting clip; brings back memories.
    I think that there are always characters standing in the pub, reminiscing when another character has passed on; Blanche, Betty, Hayley, just to name a few recent examples.
    I'm with Betty though in her assessment of the speed of the show, with more scenes and more characters too, not allowing for the quieter times of conversation. Everyone seems to be up to something these days, it makes for a fast-paced show. It's still Corrie,only at a faster pace presumably to reflect the fast-paced, impatient lives of it's viewers.

  2. Even in this mad-paced world, there are times when we are forced to kill time eg in the cab office, waiting for a bus, a boring night behind the Rovers bar. I wouldn't like to see episodes slowed down to Last of the Summer Wine speed but occasionally, as we do see in the cab office, it would be nice to watch people just chatting. There was a little hint of that tonight with Steve, Tracy and Amy making the best of a bad job in the museum. Little Amy's coming along nicely.

  3. That was so nice to watch. See old familiar faces. Yes, it would be wonderful if they did that now and then. A little chit chat. Not so long ago it was Liz, Diedre and I think Rita having a wee chat, and it was really enjoyable. Thanks for the trip down memory lane Llifon.

  4. I recall entire half-hour episodes dedicated to one scene.

  5. I have to say that scene annoyed me at the time as Ken made no mention of Alf being one of his father's best friends. Seemed a strange omission.

  6. The street has had some great characters. Thanks for posting this I really enjoyed it!

  7. Gosh I miss these folks...we have LOST SO MANY wonderful characters...I would gladly replace a nbr. of the present ones with these 'departed' people!

    We need more Jack & Veras / Fred Elliotts / and still love our Jim.

    Are you listening Mr. Blackburn - hope so !
