Monday 3 February 2014

Top 50 Corrie Couples - Nos. 40 and 39

40. Alan Bradley and Rita Fairclough, 1986-1989 (26 votes)

Alan was introduced in 1986 as the father of Rita’s foster daughter Jenny and soon enough was dating Rita. Rita was attracted to him as he reminded of her deceased hubby Len. Unsure of their relationship, Alan embarked on an affair with Gloria Todd, but reunited with Rita when he considered how much money she had. They courted and when Rita rejected both his marriage proposals, he planned revenge – stealing her money.

For many months, Alan stole from an oblivious Rita. When Rita found out and confronted Alan, he attempted to suffocate her with a cushion, only to be disturbed by Jenny and her boyfriend Martin Platt. Alan fled and when he was caught, he appeared in court, but was released that day and planned further revenge on Rita – stalking her and mentally tormenting her. Horrified, Rita fled to Blackpool and Alan followed her there. When she saw him on the promenade, she ran and he followed her, only to be fatally hit by a tram, ending Rita’s nightmare.

Did you watch Alan’s demise? Did you enjoy Alan and Rita’s relationship before he became a villain? Should they be at 40?

39. Reg Holdsworth and Maureen Naylor/Holdsworth, 1993-1995 (27 votes)

Reg Holdsworth first met Maureen Grimes in Llandudno in 1968 and they fell in love. It would be 24 years before they would meet up again. Maureen was stacking shelves at Bettabuys, where Reg was manager. They reignited their relationship but there was one problem: Maureen’s mum Maud. Maud disliked Reg and the feeling was mutual. Maureen had to play mediator between her mum and her boyfriend. Reg was desperate to consummate the relationship and a memorable scene is when he lured Maureen to his waterbed. Comically, it flooded after Derek Wilton accidentally drilled through it.

They married in 1994 and bought the Corner Shop from Alf Roberts. Maureen managed the shop with Maud behind the counter and the three lived in harmony – Reg a member of the Square Dealers and Maureen a pillar of the community. Only after a year, the marriage turned sour as Reg was posted to a Bettabuys in Lowestoft. While there, due to his unfaithful nature, he found another woman – Yvonne Bannister. Reg left Maureen for Yvonne – who was pregnant with his child.

Were you fans of Reg and Maureen? Should they be at 39?

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