Tuesday 4 February 2014

Top 50 Corrie Couples - Nos. 38 and 37

38. Owen Armstrong and Anna Windass, 2011- (31 votes)

After Eddie left for Germany, Owen became interested in Anna. He bought No.6 from Jerry Morton so she had a secure future with adoptive daughter Faye. Despite Faye’s sabotage of their dates, they embarked on a relationship. They broke up after Owen hit Faye for her cheek, but soon reunited and Anna invited Owen to move in with them. Anna has been glad of Owen’s support during her struggle to accept Faye’s dad Tim moving into the street while Owen is glad of Anna’s mothering of his daughters Izzy and Katy.

In recent months, Owen and Anna clashed about Faye’s friendship with Grace Piper – while Owen thought she was a manipulative bully, Anna only saw goodness in her. Anna had to eat her words when it was revealed that Grace was indeed a bully – with Faye, Simon Barlow and Mary Taylor her victims.

Now, Anna is sceptical of Owen’s dealings with Pat Phelan, who previously failed to pay Owen for work he had done due to him declaring himself bankrupt.

Are you fans of Owen and Anna? Should they be at 38?

37. Brian Tilsley and Gail Potter/Tilsley, 1978-1989 (33 votes)

It was in 1978 that Brian and Gail first met and although opposition from Brian’s staunch Catholic mother Ivy, they married the following the year. They moved into Buxton Close and Nick was born in 1980. Money problems and family arguments plagued the young couple with Gail clashing with Ivy while Brian clashed with Gail’s mother Audrey. For a few months in 1982, Brian was away working in Qatar and this made Gail doubt her marriage but it was put to rest when Brian returned and bought a garage on Archie Street.

By 1986, the marriage had started to crumble with Brian paying more attention to his mum’s love life more than his own which led Gail to have an affair with Brian’s cousin Ian Latimer. Gail fell pregnant and, convinced that Ian was the father, Brian divorced her. Sarah was born in 1987 and Brian was indeed the father. The following year, Brian and Gail remarried for the kids’ sake. Both led separate lives with Brian drinking with his pals and Gail working long hours in the cafĂ©. In 1989, Brian was fatally stabbed outside a nightclub. The same night, Gail had told him she wanted a divorce.

Do you remember Gail and Brian’s wedding? Were you a fan of this couple? Should they be at 37?

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