Monday 10 February 2014

Streetcar Stories: Fat Brenda's daughter arrives

Episode three of Streetcar Stories is now live at the official Coronation Street website.  Episode three is called ‘The Switch’ and it features Fat Brenda's daughter, Imogen.  Watch it here.

What’s more, Lloyd can’t believe his ears as Imogen, played by Misha Timmins, reveals Steve’s big secret. 

‘Streetcar Stories’, a four-part mini-series written by Chris Fewtrell, follows Steve and Lloyd’s late night antics in the Streetcars’ cab office.

Last Monday we saw them carrying out their own unique rendition of the Morecambe and Wise’s breakfast sketch.   Watch it here it's very funny.

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  1. Just wondering does Fat Brenda still write for this blog?

  2. Yes, but she's very busy at the moment!

  3. Skiing in the alps I bet ;D

    Anyway enjoying this spin-off, think Lloyd and Steve work well together without Michelle or Eileen and their sarky comments. They should keep Lloyd and Steve single and they work out better that way.
