Thursday 6 February 2014

Gail's new fella revealed - it's Les Dennis

There's a great Coronation Street spoiler in today's Mirror.  They reveal that Corrie newcomer Les Dennis will play Gail McIntyre's new fella.

Les Dennis' trouble-making character Michael Rogers arrives in Weatherfield next month – and burgles Gail’s house.  The Mirror says he will then return to the soap in June, where his character comes face-to-face with Gail.

Mr Curry Sauce tells The Mirror: “Everyone knows Gail falls for bad boys. Michael could be really bad for her – it’s going to be a very juicy storyline.”

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  1. And I suppose he'll move in and share Gail's box room!

  2. Gail's house? I thought it was David's now.

  3. Why can't Gail have a storyline that is not about a man. So unimaginative.

  4. I guess this is how they will finally shift the olives. Who wants to bet that David hasn't kept up with the insurance payments?

    Nice girl meets bad boy (or Maddie), Zzzzzzz. Gail, go find your self. Get a job, cut the apron strings. You were fabulous once and you can be so again.

  5. Oh no not *another* storyline where an older female character who really ought to know better by now (especially Gail and Audrey) gets involved with yet another unsuitable man. Cue months of her acting like a clueless schoolgirl. Yawn. Would like to see her discover herself, go on holiday , get a hobby , new career anything but having to be dependant on a man.

  6. Gail's house?

    When are they going to get a continuity person so we don't continually get these mistakes?

  7. When I read this I was like - Yay! What mischief can our Gail get up to now!
    I was picturing her falling for, flirting wildly, rubbing it in her family's faces that she has a life now of her own, finding dark side of her new fella, grovelling to family, etc.
    Then I read these comments and wonder - why do you guys watch Corrie? lol This is the way they work. Gail will never be any better - or worse. This is Gail.
    Corrie is not going to show the characters living productive lives and teach us all how to live. They put characters in situations that make us feel superior. I am not as stupid as Gail when it comes to falling for the wrong guy. I am not such a busybody as Norris that I am a joke and living a lonely miserable life. I am not Tina who thinks that I know it all and get myself mixed up with the local alcoholic former bigamist. My life is good! Thanks Corrie! lol

  8. When I read this I was like - Yay! What mischief can our Gail get up to now!
    I was picturing her falling for, flirting wildly, rubbing it in her family's faces that she has a life now of her own, finding dark side of her new fella, grovelling to family, etc.
    Then I read these comments and wonder - why do you guys watch Corrie? lol This is the way they work. Gail will never be any better - or worse. This is Gail.
    Corrie is not going to show the characters living productive lives and teach us all how to live. They put characters in situations that make us feel superior. I am not as stupid as Gail when it comes to falling for the wrong guy. I am not such a busybody as Norris that I am a joke and living a lonely miserable life. I am not Tina who thinks that I know it all and get myself mixed up with the local alcoholic former bigamist. My life is good! Thanks Corrie! lol

  9. I am also disappointed we're going down this route. If they must introduce a man to give Gail a story, I'd rather it was a platonic mate like Steve and Eileen. Heaven knows, Gail needs some friends. Oth, David may decide to kick his mother out and she will be forced to lead her own life. So that's the message, is it? Burglary can be a good thing ...

  10. Paul van der Hart6 February 2014 at 14:45

    Not again.... Why couldn't he play a nice & friendely rich fellow, who whisks her of to his villa in Benidorm? Two strikes for the price of one: finally something dfferent to tell about Gail, and when she's gone, we're finally rid of her.

  11. Pathetic! They're driving us away!

  12. I suppose these storylines are written to keep viewers interested, I'm thinking that Gail with a 'life', Gail doing something cerebral for herself that doesn't need her interaction with others, would be seen as uneventful and dull.

    Storylines have to be kept moving along, as do the characters.

    However, I know and love most of these characters and I hate to see similar plots being recycled, especially Gail as it's not that long since Lewis broke her heart and certainly made a fool of her.

    There seem to be a lot of 'wronguns' about, it's a familiar plot, too familiar perhaps.

  13. I am just thinking 'Les Dennis' then the famous 'Family Fortunes' ich-uh sound. There are plenty of actors out there waiting for a break, why can't they hire one of them instead?!- Micky

  14. Let us pray he's got her locked in the boot of his car and sailing into the Canal before summer!

  15. Who days Gail having a life for herself has to be boring or exclude other characters? Just unrealistic after having a relationship with a serial killer and later on pne with a swindler she wouldn't have wised up. I have been watching for a few decades now. I don't watch it to make me feel better about my own life either. It's just Gail weeping and wailing over some man has been done to death now

  16. Another character falls for someone that burgled theie house. Second time in a month.
