Wednesday 15 January 2014

Video: Hayley's final goodbye to Roy

Here's the official teaser from ITV showing Hayley saying her final goodbye to Roy in Coronation Street.

Hayley's final scenes will be screened in the double episodes to be shown on Monday 20 January.

Hankies at the ready, everyone...

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  1. She looks very healthy for one that hasn't got long for this world.

  2. You mean pale yellow and thin as a rake. Blind?

  3. Technically she is not yet dying - she is going to take her own life because she is afraid of losing her mind.

  4. "Not yet dying" ?! If pancreatic cancer which is metastasizing to the liver, which has not been slowed by aggressive chemotherapy, is not yet dying, then what is?! If "weeks, not months", is not a death sentence, then let me come and live in your fantasy world!

  5. Aggressive chemotherapy and no hair loss, hmmm?

  6. Perhaps she found a wig. They've not shown a lot of the unpleasant side effects and difficulties of the illness, e.g. no nausea, vomitting, etc. Mr. Blackburn talks about this storyline being "real" and "not entertainment", but it is a soap, after all, not a documentary, and they're sugarcoating a lot.

  7. My brother in law died aged 56 from pancreatic cancer. He survived 4 years, did not lose his hair despite 'aggressive' chemotherapy (not all chemo leads to hair loss) and was not jaundiced at the end. This has been extremely tough to watch and I am glad it is coming to an end, though of course the effect on Roy will be milked within an inch of its life.
