Thursday 30 January 2014

Hayley's Choice - yes or no?

The Campaign for Dignity in Dying have created a website called Hayley's Choice. 

You can find out more here.

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  1. Yes it was Hailey's choice but the person in question is in a way quite selfish as they dont anticipate the repercussions on the ones they leave behind.

  2. Yes, it was the right choice for her ... and for Roy.

    There would come a time when she'd be incapable of making ANY decision because she would likely be very doped up, on feeding tubes and perhaps in a coma. Then it would've been Roy's heartbreaking decision to make when the docs would ask him if he wanted her "unplugged" because there was no hope. Hayley saved him from that horrible decision that would stay with him the rest of his life.

    I know.

    ~JB in Canada

  3. Anon at 12.41 makes a good point in that Roy could have been left to make the final decision. He would have been tormented that he 'killed' Hayley. Everyone's selfish when it comes to death. The relatives want a gentle decline so that they can get used to the idea and are relieved when their loved one passes in a blessed release. The one facing inevitable death wants to go as quickly as possible, often in their sleep.

    Roy didn't want to be left behind. Sometimes, couples in those circumstances choose to go together. I wonder if the story line would have gone that way if David Neilson had also wanted to leave Corrie. They would have had nobody but themselves to consider.

  4. It wasthe right choice for Hailey and Roy but in real life it could have been a different story. When my husband has really bad days he would say he wishes God would take him but on his good days wouldn't dream of saying it.

  5. The point is that the choice is an individual one. Therefore, our opinion doesn't matter. So far as those left behind are concerned, the individual is going to die anyway, why is it selfish to want to end their suffering, even if it expedites what will come for those who survive them? Would survivors rather keep their loved one around, suffering horribly and wishing they were dead? THAT would be selfish.
