Saturday, 11 January 2014

Coronation Street Weekly Update - strawberries and the snip

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Kylie and David are back together, loved up and moved back in. Just as they’re getting fruity in the kitchen, in walks Gail to dampen the mood. She does that, does Gail.  The young ‘uns wonder if they should ask Gail to move out and so put together a list of her pros and cons to help them decide.  Of course, Gail finds the list, as you knew she would, and nods in agreement with the point that she talks all the way through films (con). But no, she tells Audrey, no, she does not agree with David’s point about her always thinking she’s right (con) and David’s wrong to think so too!  On balance it looks like Gail’ll be allowed to stay, based on her being available for babysitting (pro), being an OK cook (pro) even if it means putting up with her spag-bol that tastes of dog food (con) and the fact that she’s easily conned (con con).

Michelle takes and fails a pregnancy test but Steve gets his hopes up about a baby McDonald-Connor.  Liz is excited too but Ma and Son McDonald are soon disappointed when Michelle tells them she’s not in the club, up the stick or otherwise with child and she’s happy to continue to be baby-free too. She tells Steve that if he wants to keep on having his way with her, he’ll have to have a vasectomy. Steve’s not best pleased and points out it’s his decision as it’s his body: “It’s called a vasecto-me, not a vasecto-you!”  Michelle puts him on a sex-ban and Steve calls her bluff by denying her the pleasure of the McDonald beer belly and associated parts. “What is this? Carry on Cabby?” Steve moans in the cab office when he tells Lloyd all about his bedroom troubles just as Andrea walks in and finds out all about Steve’s genital goings-on. Then Steve’s got Andrea round to do their history homework together while Michelle seethes from t’other side of the bar.

Tina leaves this week. She trundles off to that London with a pink suitcase and a scowl on her face in the back of a cab. As she’s got an explosive and proper exit this year in which she’s killed off in a whodunit storyline, it’ll not be long before Tina trundles back.  Carla’s none the wiser, at the minute, about what Peter’s been up to with Tina and has no idea that Tina’s left because Peter won’t leave Carla.  But it’ll all come out in the wash, these things always do.

Jason’s dad Tony wants to get to know his son again but Eileen’s not pleased when she finds out what Jason’s gone and done.   It’s Toddly’s birthday next week and the clan plan a birthday bash at the Bistro. But then Jason tells his dad he’ll have dinner with him the same night, leading to an evening that will no doubt but the grim back into Grimshaw. Meanwhile, Liz gives Tony the glad eye despite Eileen marking his card for her as a bad ‘un

Audrey’s not convinced when she finds out that Maria and Marcus are house hunting together. “He wants to commit,” Maria tells the fragrant Mrs. Roberts. Audrey does that smile that she does and makes that noise that she makes.

And finally this week, as Hayley deteriorates she loses her appetite and the only thing she can stomach are strawberries.  Roy’s desperate to buy as many Spanish strawberries for Hayley as he can but when he gets to the deli there are none to be found.  Roy, being Roy, harangues the poor deli manager, determined to get strawberries whatever the price or the cost. Fortunately, Fiz finds some but they won’t scan at the till as they’ve past their ‘best before’ date. The strawberry saga is too much for Roy. He knows he has to have them, so he rips the punnet from the checkout operator’s hand and heads out of the deli door, but slips as he does so, lands on his bum and the strawberries go flying all over.  Poor Roy. Poor Hayley.  He tells her the truth when he returns home and she’s angry at first but soon sees the funny side.  Hayley’s in a lot of pain this week and has her painkillers increased but she’s slipping away in front of our very own eyes and she’ll be gone soon. Not today. Probably not tomorrow. But soon.

This week's writers were Jayne Hollinson, John Kerr, Damon Rochefort, Martin Allen, Mark Burt.  Find out more about the Coronation Street writing team at

Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at

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1 comment:

  1. I love that Steve is showing some backbone. It must have been locked in a cupboard at the Rovers all this time. :-)
    By the way...if Michelle thinks she is so smart....why not take her health in her own hands....she can get her tubes tied. She is pathetic.
    Scene with Roy looking to get Hayley her strawberries was so very sad. I have to say that the manager at that store made Norris look like Mary Poppins.
    As for Peter...he is such a liar! Can't wait for Carla to figure him out.
