Saturday 14 December 2013

Where's your favourite table at Roy's Rolls?

What a lovely thing we heard on Coronation Street last night.  When Julie wanted a  pow-wow with Brian, she told him to meet her at their favourite table in Roy's Rolls.

This got me thinking as to which would be my favourite table in Roy's Rolls, and I know where it would be. 

As you go in Roy's Rolls, you'd enter the cafe and have the counter in front of you. My favourite table would then be reached on the right hand side, underneath the window, tucked away behind the door and out of ear-shot of most of the other customers in there. Nice and quiet, secretive, the perfect table for a gossip and a catch up.

Which one would be your favourite table in Roy's?

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  1. You'd have to get there pretty early, as you'd have to wait for me to vacate that same table!
    Wish we had a "Roys Rolls" where I am; every one on the street seems to eat, meet and greet there, or in the pub, not a reality where I live.

  2. The one by the wall at the far left hand side so I can chat to Roy :)

  3. I'd like the one against the wall to the immediate right of the counter, by the faux fireplace

  4. I like the one right by the doorway to Roy and Hailey's flat. Can see everyone in the caf, can chat with the staff behind the counter, and out of the way of the comings and goings.

  5. Like Flaming Nora I think I'd like a seat looking out of the window. However it would have to be on the left hand side as the right would be a bit draughty every time the door opens.

  6. I'd like the one on the far right by the counter against the wall.You can kind of watch them making the food and see the whole room.
