Wednesday 4 December 2013

Where to buy Carla Connor's wedding dress


With thanks to the ITV Coronation Street wardrobe department, we can say that if you want to know where Carla Connor's wedding dress came from, we can tell you. The wedding dress for Carla Connor, played by Alison King, came from Celebration Village in Manchester.  The dress was then embellished by ITV's wardrobe department to look like something Hayley would have made. 

Michelle's gold bridesmaid dress comes from deigner Nadine Merabi.  However, do remember that as Corrie film several weeks in advance, the dresses may no longer be available.

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  1. Er... I thought Hayley made it! :-)

  2. If there was a like button, I'd like the comment above! :)

  3. John there ahead of me!

  4. Where was Maria's dress from?

  5. Tina should not have gone - there will be tears before bedtime and I can see Tracy catching them out and the feathers will fly - Thought the snub from Hayley and Fizz did service to Tracy people don't like nasty people

  6. Tina should not have gone - there will be tears before bedtime and I can see Tracy catching them out and the feathers will fly - Thought the snub from Hayley and Fizz did service to Tracy people don't like nasty people

  7. Cheryl Cola Chunks5 December 2013 at 15:40

    Why were Maria and Fiz alone? Where were Maruc and Ty and also Dev? Who gets married on a Wednesday? Why was Tina even there when she hardly knows the Barlows and has looked after Si for about two weeks? Is Carla an alcoholic? How come she lost control and made a fool of herself when that is totally out of character? Many questions we would like answers to!

  8. It was mentioned in episodes in 2012 that Carla is not an alcoholic, but relies on alcohol to deal with stress. She, unlike Peter, is able to drink one glass of wine socially and stop whereas Peter continues to binge and binge.

    I thought Carla was hilarious at the reception. She was so deliriously happy, more so than we have ever seen her on the show, that she just let loose. She was definitely not the angry, sarcastic, self-loathing drunk she was portrayed to be back in 2010-2011. Although I did find it was just an excuse to get her to bed early so that Tina and Peter could have their snogfest.

    What was up with Tina the stalker? Goes to the flat on the morning of the wedding, is creeping around Steve and Lloyd looking for updates on whether Peter will show or not, stays behind after everyone leaves to tell Peter she shouldn't have come but is leaving now.

    Best parts of the episode were the vows between Peter and Carla and the genuine happiness between them, and the lovely symbolism of Roy and Hayley's relationship during the vows and readings.

    I also thoroughly enjoyed the Hayley and Carla scenes, and Fizz and Roy.
    Great episode spoiled only by the constant pushing of Tina down the viewers throats

  9. Didn't like this episode to be honest, thought Carla's being drunk was ridiculous and Surely Deirdre would of been there??? - and the sooner Tina goes the better, and Tim and Sally ( well enough said!) just found the whole episode cringeworthy!
