Tuesday 3 December 2013

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, Dec 8 - 13

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Sunday 8 to Friday 13 December

Note: Hour long episode on Sunday 8 December

Kal arrives on the Street, Rita feels jealous when Dennis and Gloria reminisce, Sean’s gutted when Todd turns him down, is Todd after Marcus instead? And Brian and Julie split up.

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. Good riddance to Brian and why on Earth can't everyone just let David turn his pathetic, lousy ass in? Time for Gail to cut the apron strings and finally, finally, FINALLY let David take responsibility for his insanity! So if Michelle is going to hire Kal for Steve, does that mean Steve's gonna buy her a personality transplant for Christmas?! Once can only hope.

  2. *one can only hope.

  3. Rita feels jealous? Who cares. Some wife all she wants to do is keep him under her thumb all the time. Is there a scene where Dennis doesn't have Rita hanging around putting him down. Why does he even still work at the Kabin, the writers forget Norris owns it now.

  4. Kal is going to help Dev get in shape - oh joy..more on-screen panting and groaning from Dev.

  5. What have Gloria and Dennis got to reminiss about? She only came into it about a year ago. More sour faces and clunky acting from control freak Reet to look forward to then.

  6. Hopefully when David does go to the police, the police will investigate and realise that there's no actual case against David here, making all Kylie and Nick's undeserved self-righteousness fall apart. You can't actually go to prison for grabbing at someone's seatbelt with the intention of making them stop the car. If anything, Nick could be done for dangerous driving and attempted kidnapping.

  7. Why would Peter look twice at Trollop Tango Tina, he has the gorgeous Carla. Funny how both Peter and Tina have lived on the street for so many years and its just the last couple of weeks/months(?) since she started stalking him. I am so glad she is leaving the show. I used to like her but she is pathetic now and will be remembered as a tart and nothing else. I thought the kiss at the wedding was totally unbelievable. And how nice of her to nearly wear a skirt for the wedding, I know it was a pant suit but why was she even there. How can she possibly work in the pub and always be hanging around Peter and looking after Simon? Stupid, desperate storyline, kick her out soon. I also am sick to the back teeth of Hayley. I used to like her but now its all about her illness and its dragging it out and bringing back very sad memories for lots of people, when is she going to die? I will be glad to see the back of both Hayley and Tina. Good riddance. Now if only they could get some good writers on the show and turn it back into the soap it used to be!
