Monday 9 December 2013

How To Eat Out

How did you spend your Sunday?  Recovering in bed from your Saturday night?  A roast dinner with the family?  A healthy walk in the country?

Your day can't have been as exciting as Julie's, because she decided to go out.  Everywhere.  All day.

She had breakfast in the cafe:

A drink at lunchtime in the Rovers:

Her tea in the Bistro:

And then a chip supper:

Does Julie actually have a kitchen?  Is her flat being fumigated?  Is there a ghost?

I think we should be told.

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  1. It always amazes me that people with their own kettles/kitchens just up the road go to the cafe to get a cup of coffee to take out.

    What's that all about?

  2. I urge TPTB to actually dig out the flat set. There has not been one single scene there since Julie and Brian moved in!= Micky

  3. Can anyone remind me which flat they actually live in? Thanks!

  4. Didn't they buy the one Jason and Joe McIntyre refurbished?

  5. Well spotted, Scott. She got good mileage out of that cardi.

  6. They are living in Jason's old flat so it's not like they didn't already have the set to film in. I can't see Brian being the type of person who would eat three meals out.

  7. It makes me wonder why they move characters into the street (its pretty ridiculous Brain would live there on a Headmasters wage) but never bother to use them or we even see them in their house. What is the point?

  8. Come to mention it we never, ever see them in their flat. They have very personal private conversations in the pub or bistro. I can never understand why so many of the character eat out. If I worked at the factory I would go home for lunch.

  9. The truth is out. Julie can't cook!

  10. The other truth is out. Brian can't cook!

  11. They could have done so much more with Brian's character. Who's going to be the pompous ass now that he and Ken are gone. Now we have that waste of space Kevin to look forward to next year and his "explosive" storyline as he once again tries to lure Sally back..YAWN...
    Really the writers need to get a grip. Brian and Julie were good together but they decided to turn him into a hateful arsehole and so it's tara to Brian, and we have months of Julie's crying and Eileen's moaning about the men that done them wrong.

  12. I am disappointed about the Sally Kevin storyline. I am seriously thinking of giving up watching Corrie if this is all they can come up with....that and Rita's hatefulness is making me so so very tired of the show.

  13. Agree with the Anonymous 01:53. Stuart Blackburn sure likes to make the men useless looking. And yes poor miserable sod Eileen whining about men being bad to her. Even though she was a right cow to Paul, wanting him to leave the job he loved and failed to properly stand by him over the 'racism' rubbish. Funny how Corrie never acknowledge her misdeeds but a man's can be brought up without problem.

  14. A real shame Brian is leaving, he and Julie were an odd, interesting couple that worked. Agree with Anon One that now we will have double the whining and crying about those 'horrible' men plus the ever increasingly hateful Rita.
