Sunday 1 December 2013

Corrie Weekly Awards for Nov. 25 - 29

Are you new here award: I guess Michelle really doesn't learn anything from history or she would have known Steve was up to no good from the start.

Writer win! For years fans have been referring to Liz's wardrobe as Mutton dressed as Lamb. This week, we find out that's Deirdre's opinion, too!

It's not my problem award:
There may be  auditor's but the state of the books will be down to Stella for the most part, wouldn't it? Why is Michelle blaming Steve for the mess of the accounts? That much paper can't possibly have been generated by 5 minutes' ownership.

Sticking your nose in award: Sally had no business being in the middle of the family crisis and sticking her oar in.

Voice of Reason award: Gary's holding them down to a dull roar. Faye isn't evil. 

Deja Don't: If I was Peter, after the last explosive stag do he barely survived, I wouldn't want to tempt fate again, either.

Fashion Stripes award
: Tim and Peter matching.

Lines of the week:

Hayley "Every time I get into a groove you disturb me"
Gary "Real friends don't get you in trouble"
Peter "I have proper things that I have to worry about"
Peter "Me in a boozer, surrounded by drunks and sausage rolls. Now you're *really* selling it to me"
Carla "God bless Tina and all who sail in her. She's like Mary Poppins with bonnier hair"
Roy to Hayley "I get you. I always will"
Liz on history "Stuff happened. Get over it"
Kirk "Yin and Yang, weren't they Siamese twins?"
Carla "This last couple of years I've made a slapped backside look cheerful"

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  1. It wasn't long ago that Anna was asking Sally's opinion on the Grace matter. So I feel that her reacting to the situation was okay.
    As for the books...I agree....Steve has not been at the helm long enough to make it a mess. Also they seem to think Steve is a complete why would he be left to it in the first place? lol
    Silly plot line if you ask me...remember Lloyd needed help from Stella a while back for same reason. Maybe Steve needs to hire someone. lol

  2. Frosty the Snowman1 December 2013 at 11:26

    Arm folding award: Baby Jane and Me Me Me Michelle as above, a right pair of old bags. Steve bought the pub for his mother but is she grateful - no - just teamed up with the tiresome Michelle to be nasty and put down Steve - oh what larks writers!

  3. Did Steve also buy Stella's debts? I don't think so. Michelle is supposedly some sort of business genius so how is it that they're in such a dire mess? Didn't she single handedly save Underworld from financial ruin? How can Steve have 'dropped them in it'? Nonsense. The sooner Michelle is out of the picture, the better IMO.
    Liz can bog off too as I don't see that she's contributing much to the show other than to shoot her gob off. What a vile creature. I remember Liz had issues with Steve but she'd never ever have been so mean to him in the past. I guess Gloria's ghost is running the Rovers.

  4. I too was wondering why the books should all be Steve's fault when they've just bought the pub and also why they leave him in charge of anything if they think he is a complete moron.

    My favourite line of the week was when Michelle and Liz were talking about shopping with Deirdre and Michelle said (and I'm paraphrasing here I believe) "she doesn't just convince you to buy a load of belts?"

  5. Anonymous 14:19 - I am DELIGHTED that Liz is back. At last there is some life in the pub!

  6. I would have liked to see Liz tell Michelle straight off that if she did not appreciate Steve buying the pub then look elsewhere.
    This teaming up of Liz and Michelle makes me gag. I love Liz but I love her in the relationship with her son....not being a bff to his annoying whining girlfriend.
    Liz should have reminded Steve that there was a reason that they did not stay together the first time around and to move on.
    I can't wait to see Andrea!

  7. Line of the week: Peter: did you drop him on the floor when he was a baby

  8. Good to see that Bev is delighted to see Liz back; is that you Bev Callard??
