Friday 6 December 2013

Coronation Street Spoiler: Roy goes missing after Hayley's death

Paparazzi pics online this week show a lost and lonely Roy Cropper, shopping bag in hand, wandering the streets of Manchester as he goes walkabout after Hayley dies. 

Fiz and Tyrone go looking for him, with photographs of Roy, handing them out to anyone who might have seen Roy and can help them find him.

It looks like Hayley's death isn't going to be the end of this very sad storyline. It could be just the beginning.

More tissues, please.

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  1. Enough of this character-driven, believable and properly-acted clap-trap. They need to get a fresh audience. Why not have Roy so upset he jumps into bed with Mary or Fiz? Perhaps Tracy sees a vulnerable Roy as an opportunity to get back at Rob over some slight? Or something explosive like Roy setting fire to the cafe? Fans will be talking about it for months and years. Ratings will go through the roof.
    I'll get my coat now.

  2. NOOOOO Not Fizzzz....that would be downright wrong!
    But I have to say I will fastforward over old misery guts wandering the streets of Wetherfield. He is so obnoxious and rude when he is not happy. Ugh!
    By the way...what happened to Nick's personality change. I read he would be like a new character...I thought this may be exciting.....instead we had indecisiveness, head scratching and moaning. Egad!
    Corrie! Give me something interesting to watch please! LOL

  3. Bye Roy, don't wander into traffic...

  4. Frosty the Snowman7 December 2013 at 13:17

    No doubt its not the last we have seen of creepy money grubbing Christian as well - no doubt he will be hanging around like a bad smell when the will is read.

  5. Roy goes missing after Hayley's death. Really? How predictable!

    Come on writers, earn your salaries!

  6. I agree Anonymous...imagine if - because Roy's worst nightmare has come true - he has lost the only person he really connected with...he realises there is nothing else that will hurt him the same way again. He has faced the he has a full turnaround. Instead of behaving in true Roy fashion he actually embraces life - as Hayley encouraged him to do all along. I think that would be nice.

  7. Has Hayley written a will? If not, Christian will be looking for his inheritance. Even if Hayley has written a will, he can contest it. I hope, at least, she gets a receipt for the £5000, stating that there's no more to come - must be a legal term for it. As always, if a Corrie character did the right way with no repercussions, there'd be no story.
