Monday 2 December 2013

Coronation Street episode review, Monday 2 December

As the theme musics fades, we see Carla holding a white satin shoe and a mobile phone. She obviously has a lot on her mind about the wedding.  Peter though has his mind on Simon, who is going to brave going toschool today. Carla, with a hundred things on her mind, says that if Simon is going to school they need to cancel Tina.  

Perhaps having twigged that he’s getting married tomorrow, Peter takes a seat beside Carla and asks her, ‘Are we still on or not?’ Carla perhaps surprises him by saying, ‘I don’t know- are you?’

She wonders if she should just ‘throw in the towel’ and proceeds to tell him that she knows what ‘you blokes are like,’ in that there’d be ‘no seating plans and no stress’  and that ‘the churches would be empty and the registry offices deserted.’ Carla also asks how many wives she’s up against,’ to which Peter replies ‘none.’  Carla, musing on marriage, reminds us that ‘I do’ is the longest sentence in the world’ using a little wordplay that is very effective. Peter tells her, ‘Well, I will gladly serve.’ Just in case we’d forgotten, we then see Tina and Liz at Dev’s. ‘How’s Peter Barlow,’ asks Liz. Having touched a nerve, Tina replies to Liz by saying, why doesn’t she ask him?  ‘Nothing is going on,’ she states but Liz adds the word, ‘Yet.’

Dev himself seems very excited about something and it turns out he is expecting a delivery.  It is a walking work station.  What’s not to like?  Dev has promised himself that he will get in shape and he’s a man of his word. Well Emily and Mary can give reasons. Mary calls it a ‘health and safety catastrophe’ and appears most anxious. Before long,  Mary’s fears are confirmed and Dev falls off his walking work station, as he tries to take Emily’s payment.

Further wedding stress is caused by Simon, understandably not wanting to be best man and Joss’s Giants having split due to ‘creative differences’ just like The Beatles!

Sally shows her worse side tonight. She tells Tim that he lacks ambition and should not be waiting around for Jason, who is younger, as it’s demeaning for Tim, who has probably not thought of this. She tells him to set about job hunting but also instructs him to clean the windows, inside and out, even presenting him with a bucket ready to carry out her orders. To Tim’s credit he sets about the window cleaning and attracts some attention. Emily asks him to do hers and other offers come his way. ‘Got you doing chores now has she?’ asks Jason. Grabbing his opportunity, Tim tells Jason that they’ll be having a meeting at 6.30 and to bring Eva. When Sally is informed, she is a little put out, but the flowers put her on side. He tells Sally that Eva, who does have very nice hair, enhanced by the extensions we see her brushing out, and why on earth not? He then says that Eva put the ‘chest’ into Manchester. Hmmm.

In the factory, Sally tells Eva that Jason did a runner on his wedding day when he was supposed to marry Sarah-Louise. Sally calls Sarah-Louise  the love of his life which is perhaps a little unkind and unnecessary. Relishing her opportunity of being in charge, Sally can’t contain herself.  ‘Hi Carla’ she chirrups as Carla enters the factory, just as Eva has being saying that she really doesn’t want to go to the wedding. ‘How very convenient,’ Carla says, no doubt aware that she wasn’t supposed to have heard the comment.

Carla is really rising up the popularity stakes as we feel for her about Peter and his half-hearted wedding contributions, and also in her relationship with Hayley and her instruction to Hayley to ‘kick its ass’ the ass of the chemotherapy of course.

No truer word though as Roy states that ‘weddings are a very stressful time’ as they are especially so for Carla, who yells at Peter telling him that he ‘messed with the wrong bride.’  She has virtually done it all so he really does need to get some music sorted. ‘I just don’t want silence at my wedding!’ she yells.

In The Rovers, Steve is filling out his student survey, little knowing that shortly he will be asked to be best man, which he will accept but which he calls ‘the stuff of nightmares’. Rob and Tracy appear, Tracy flashing her dress which Steve suggests is from the ‘reduced to clear’ section.  
Rob perhaps deserves our approval for attempting to wipe the slate clean and start again with Peter, for his sister, Carla’s sake no doubt. Peter won’t do it.

Interesting to hear that Hayley has found someone to conduct her funeral service – a humanist called Susie, who she thinks is very nice.

BUT - just what is he doing back? Christian, of course. How obnoxious he is.  Watch out Hayley!

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  1. Brilliant review.

    In all honesty though, I am struggling to believe this Carla/Peter/Tina storyline. It seems to have happened in the space of a few weeks. It's all very contrived but Team Carla all the way.

    Having said that, I really wish the writers had not decided to force Tina into Peter and Carla's lives. Very strange.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (Carla) 'who yells at Peter telling him that he ‘messed with the wrong bride.’

    Not so sure she was yelling at Peter; I think she was on the phone yelling at one of the creatively different band members who had bailed on her.

    Although, Peter did get a ear full.

  4. Why do Corrie women with the most grating voices insist on turning up their voice to terrible levels. Its bad enough when they talk 'normally'.

  5. I hope Tim dumps Sally - she is one pain in the a$$. Also, what is Sophie's reason for still being on the show - and Jenna for that matter. Do the writers not know what to do with these two? Maybe Jenna and the new Kal will open some sort of gym/physio centre - that would be a good place for some of the senior cast members to get together once in awhile - physical fitness for seniors or summat. There might be a few laughs too.

  6. Peter and Tina have zero screen charisma. Peter has a beautful intelligent businesswoman fiance who is supposedly the love of his life, and he jeopardises that for the stroppy orange chavvy young barmaid. Yeah right writers!
