Sunday 8 December 2013

Coronation Street review - January 2013

Here we go with our annual review of Coronation Street month-by-month, all wrapped up in a little reminder of what's gone on in Weatherfield this year. 

January 2013

Lewis cons Gail and over-orders olives; Rob cooks the books at Underworld; Fiz is poisoned by carbon monoxide; Sophie and Jenna kiss; Karl seduces Sunita; Nick and Leanne announce their wedding, again, to which Gail yells, quite rightly: “It’s too soon, it’s too stupid and it’s a complete farce!”; Kylie finds out that she’s pregnant;  Kirsty blames Tyrone for pushing her down the stairs after their wedding falls apart; Tim arrives after Faye finds him online.

Corrie characters mentioned in January 2013 we still want to meet - Nobby and Nolene, a couple Carla knows who sell cheap pants on the market.

Check out all of our Coronation Street Blog posts from January 2013 and read the Corrie weekly updates here.

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  1. Good heavens, I've forgotten half of all that, and that's only just for January!

  2. best line: "over-orders olives". They mentioned that in the Bistro the other day: still cracks me up!
    Rebecca from TO
