Wednesday 11 December 2013

Coronation Street episode review, Wednesday 11 December 2013

Kylie stands firm on the decision to cut David out of their lives despite Gail’s appeal to reconsider. Max isn’t feeling well, and Gail agrees to look after him, but no sooner is Kylie through the Bistro door than David is around begging Gail to let him see the kids. She gives in, and the decision is proven risky when a furious Nick walks in and throws David out. As she complains at being stuck in the middle, and questions Kylie’s reasoning, things get even worse when Nick presents her with an ultimatum; it’s him or David, and if she doesn’t side with him, she’ll never see him again. Confronting David in the Rovers, he tells him that second to turning himself in, the best thing would be to disappear, for good. 

Leanne is shocked to hear of Nick’s ultimatum, and demands to know what his plan is. He says he doesn’t have one, as he’s confident Gail will make the right decision. Meanwhile Gail texts David to say he can put Max to bed. Having done so, he is stunned to hear that she has decided that Kylie is right, and it would be best for everyone if he moved away. In an emotionally charged scene, Gail tells him it’s not what she wants, and it breaks her heart to say it, but she can’t see any other way forward. It’s not often David evokes pity or sympathy considering all that he has done, but tonight was different as he observes “just when I’m turning a corner”, and gazes disbelievingly into the ether as he holds Max tightly and Gail’s voice wavers “Go to bed”. David could be considered beyond redemption, but it was entirely feasible that the events of recent weeks could act as a catalyst to change him for the better. Whether or not he will get the chance to prove if this is the case remains to be seen.

As Brian's deception and Julie's determination to appeal their fostering refusal continues, Marcus’s ear has been borrowed more times than a library book, and he sends Packham packing. However, his frustration sees him let slip to Todd that Brian is considering a job in Wales. Whether out of duty, or to get revenge on Brian for telling Sean what he said about him, Todd tells Julie with what could be considered lightning speed where soapland is concerned, adding that Brian never wanted to foster, and was only going along with it to keep her happy. Julie confronts Brian whose excuse is that he didn’t want to lose her, but she storms out of the Rovers, saying she will never forgive him. It’s a pity Todd couldn’t be as honest with Sean whom he may now have falsely lead to believe that there could be hope for them as an item.

Dennis is beyond excited at the prospect of a reunion with sixties rock legend Richie de Vries, or Rodney Purves as Rita and Norris take great delight in pointing out. Rita says she doesn’t want to be a damp squib, but that’s exactly what she is as her belittlement of Dennis and his efforts continues. What’s Norris’s excuse? Perhaps Richie’s top 13 hit from 1965 is a painful reminder that it’s less Sweets of the Night and more sweets of the day for Norris who has never troubled the charts. Why Dennis brings this patronising pair to meet him is beyond me, but Richie doesn’t disappoint as he enters the Bistro complete with shades, and Nick’s face alone is worth it. At least Gloria is impressed as the big-in-Tirana, Manfred Mann support act is offered a gig at the Bistro; wait til bandmate Eddie Bonanza finds out. Rita however, is thoroughly disdainful and this begs the question, if she cannot delight in Dennis’s successes, or excitement, why are they married?

As Kal walks Dev through his new health plan…in the pub…the personal trainer takes the opportunity of flirting with Michelle in front of a dubious Steve. All of a sudden she wants in, but Steve objects saying she looks fine. She can’t resist a dig at how his so called pointless course cost them money, and belittles him publicly yet again leading to only one conclusion; it’s Michelle’s attitude that is in need of a good workout.

By Emma Hynes

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  1. I thought the scene between Gail and David very powerful. Great acting between Helen Worth and Jack Shepherd!

  2. Where does Kylie (former slapper, child-seller)get off calling all the shots! She slept with her husbands brother but that seems to have been forgotten by everyone including Leeanne. David should run to the closest solicitor and demand parental rights! I have never been a big fan of David but this storyline angers me tremendously. David loves those children with all his heart how can Gail be so cruel!

  3. For Anonymous and all the others who say Kylie sleeping with Nick started it all, it didn't. That happened only after months of psychotic behavior by David: relentless pressure to have a baby she didn't want, constant jealous accusations of having affairs, being belittled at home and berated and humiliated in front of others, even at work, the one place where she felt good about herself. He split them up in every way except the paperwork, and she was painfully sad and lonely. Nick was the only person who treated her like a competent, respectable person; they had a wonderful platonic working and familial relationship. As awful as David was, Nick was supportive, the best friend anyone could hope for. One night, when they were both in desperate emotional lows, they made a horrible, stupid mistake and they knew it. For all intents and purposes, however, they were free agents. A reasonable person (who didn't have access to soap previews) could have easily imagined them never getting back with Leanne and David. Yes, she and Nick were wrong, but they didn't start it. That was on their partners.

  4. Amen, abbyk!

  5. Thank you abbyk. That was exactly what I saw happening as well. To me, David's repeated cruelty to Kylie in the lead-up to the one night stand was unforgettable and unforgiveable. He can be sweet when things go his way but when they don't he resorts to being mean and spiteful out of all proportion.

  6. First of all, Norris "has never troubled the charts" - pure gold!

    But I can't figure out why Rita is so angry at Dennis lately. Her negative attitude towards him seems to date from the time when she got more involved in Tina's problems, particularly about keeping Joe-Jake. Is there some connection there that I missed?

  7. Frosty the Snowman12 December 2013 at 08:43

    Great to see robin nedwell yesterday as Dennis' promotor friend. Hope he is in it for a few more eps. Scene spoilt by killjoy Rita being there. Another character ruined by being made an unpleasant old harridan.

  8. Maybe Rita's angry because Dennis sold her ring?

  9. Yet again, the Platt is a storyline where nobody deserves any sympathy. Nick was smug and controlling in the car before the crash so no wonder David lost it. But David was cruel as abbyk says above, to Kylie. Leanne's got nothing to be self-righteous about. Gail created two (three if count Sarah Louise) monsters who both want their own way. Kylie's got no right to say David can't see the children. We're supposed to see them as flawed characters who we identify with, but it's too extreme.

  10. The character of Michelle has become repetitive, tiresome and tedious-time to send her packing. There are far too many vile, ignorant and sarcastic characters on this soap. One of the happier characters - Rita - has been turned into just another old bat with a big gob and a bigger chip on her shoulder. I suppose her 180 degree turnabout is the lead-in to her and Dennis splitting up.

  11. I hope Dennis finds success (why not, the show has stranger things) then leaves Rita. She doesn't deserve happiness. Agree with you Anonymous, the show thinks nasty sarcastic characters is 'comedy'. It disgusts me with Michelle saying "someone has to keep you on your toes". If we reversed those roles it would be considered a domestic abuse storyline.

    Rita also ruins every scene she is in. Even Norris is more likeable. Why does she work in the Kabin again? Writers need to remember she sold it to Norris years ago, but this has been swept under the carpet and she still acts like she calls the shots.

  12. So basically, Kylie and Nick would rather David kill himself than go to the police. How nice... David is a real idiot if he ever considers taking her back or trusting either of them again. This explains why they're going to freak out when he calls their bluff and actually decides to go to the police.

    And I don't get how the blackmailing by both of them is working, because David has plenty of things he could blackmail them both for in return (notably the multiple felonies Kylie has committed).

  13. Frosty, I think it was Robin Askwith, not Robin Nedwell.

    Robin Nedwell died about 15 years ago!!

  14. Re Todd (just one example of a depressing trend):

    I know young people change when they've been away from home for a few years: the immature become more mature (and vice versa!) the shy more outgoing, the green more sophisticated. Etc.

    But they don't, I repeat don't, have a complete personality transplant.

    The Todd of old was young, shy and unsophisticated. He was also confused about his sexuality, . But basically, he was a good kid with a strong moral code who may have hurt the ones he loved but not with malice.

    So while I can accept him now as an older, more confident and sophisticated man, secure in his sexuality (not to mention, impeccably dressed), I cannot accept him as the complete sociopath he appears to have transformed into!!

    It's bad enough when former characters come back recast (something that never used to happen in the old days by the way). But at least the new face allows us to suspend disbelief. Here though, it is like Todd's evil twin just came to town...
