Thursday 5 December 2013

Coronation Street episode review, Wednesday 4 December

As Carla and Peter’s big day arrives, there are more questions than answers; will Peter go through with the wedding? Will he be able to resist Tina? Will the last minute DJ be any cop? One thing is for sure though, when it comes to weddings, tears and laughter are guaranteed, and this episode has both in abundance.

Hayley is all set for the wedding and appears in the café, beaming; a vision in blue. Roy is speechless with all he feels and needs to say in his mesmerised expression. As they pose for a photo, feelings of finality are evoked rather than the beginnings weddings normally inspire thoughts of. He has thoughtfully hired a car, and they are chauffeured to the wedding in style. While it’s a happy occasion, the couple must contemplate their own relationship and the love they have for one another, and relive their own wedding day. After they arrive at the hotel, Carla expresses her fears in a heart to heart with Hayley, who reassures her that everything will be fine.

With Maria on hairdressing duties, Audrey is flying solo at the salon and David makes a timely appearance as a frankly rude Mary insists on her appointment being kept. After he is given an ultimatum regarding maintenance by Gail, Audrey offers him a job on condition that he stay away from Kylie and the children.

Sally continues to act the doormat as she buys a suit from Dapperman for a disinterested Tim, a purchase which, together with her airs and graces, is a continuous source of amusement. Already disgusted that he is considering window cleaning for a living, it’s hilarious to see her out on the cobbles in her best frock faced with his latest purchase; an old banger of a van with “Flush and Go” hanging in there on the side; “Problems with your piping?” it asks, “We’re here to keep you moving”. A comfort to Sally I’m sure. She is mortified arriving at the wedding in it, but all of a sudden window cleaning isn’t so bad as she assures Roy and Hayley that he’s not in the drains business.

Over at Carla and Peter’s flat, best man Steve’s philosophising continues as he aptly observes “temptation knows men are weak and its timing is rubbish”. Once alone, Peter receives a visit from Tina who tells him not to do anything he’ll regret.

As the wedding guests arrive at the hotel and mingle, Tracy is her vile self, slagging Tina over Tommy, and calling the venue old fashioned despite being the one sporting a side ponytail.

Peter has Steve and the rest of the guests worried as he puts in a late appearance. Relief all round, except perhaps for Tina and Rob, the wedding gets underway. As we hear the beautiful vows, our hearts break at Roy and Hayley's tender touch and the emotion on their faces. Michelle’s speech is just as heart rending as she speaks of “the moment of their last parting”. Carla’s tears are moving as we know how much she loves Peter and what she stands to lose.

Once married, the reception isn’t the only thing in full flow as Carla downs the wine and champagne with gusto. Their first dance lasts all of two seconds before she awkwardly sets Peter up with Tina.

And they aren’t the only pair battling sexual tension. While Tim continued to embarrass Sally by having a snooze in the church and leaving his tag hanging out, her gamey side comes out at the reception as they topple up to the bridal suite for an interlude in the proceedings. Overcome with passion they may be, but she’s still careful to fold the suit complete with tag to ensure a refund. As a disgusted Michelle bursts into the room with Steve, Tim accuses them of being up to the same trick. Put out that the bridal suite is engaged, Steve and Michelle appear to resort to love in an elevator. “Talk about the cat who caught the cream” she purrs; yes Michelle is catty, but we can only presume that she bathed in milk the night before as she appears to have woken up as Cleopatra.

It’s lucky Tim only asked Michelle and Steve to spare them five minutes, as it’s only a matter of time before a drunken Carla has to be put to bed by a disappointed Peter and a concerned Hayley.

Meanwhile Fiz decides to tell Roy about Christian. He is understanding and compassionate, accepting that she was under duress when she told him about Hayley's illness. When they arrive home to find Christian waiting for them, they tell him now is not the time. Inside, Jenna has kindly left them the beautiful photo from the morning and it’s a poignant reminder that a time will come when this photo will be the only tangible thing Roy has to remember this day by. If wedding photos capture couples embarking on a future journey, Roy and Hayley's picture sadly represents the near conclusion of a wonderful life lived together.

Sally and Tim take the party home and she asks him to move in much to Sophie’s disgust. You won’t change me, he tells her, and she tells him she can try which is surely the worst footing on which to begin living together.

Back at the hotel, Peter has said farewell to all the guests except for Tina who remains behind. They give in to temptation with a passionate kiss, but Peter’s hesitation mid-snog sees Tina walk out. As he stands alone at his own reception, the man who wants to have his wedding cake and eat it has a lot to think about.

By Emma Hynes
Twitter: @ELHynes

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  1. Loved the side pony tail reference! What was Tracy thinking?

  2. Great write up! To be honest I expected more from the wedding episode, more so on the humour side of things. I expected it to have a few more laugh out loud moments at times. The best part was the last 30 mins, the reception. The acting etc was fab as always but I think that the build up of the Peter & Tina affair should have been going on for months, as it seems to kind of come from nowhere and be rushed. Tina being all miserable did kinda annoy me throughout the episode but I guess that was the point. But I don't think that the affair will go any further, I'm sure that it will only be a kiss. It should be. I think a full blown affair would be too predictable and boring. Also I love the symbolism of the red wine spilling on the wedding program - that was a great touch. It was beautifully filmed and directed though. But now I guess I'm just looking for more humour in episodes, as I fear that Corrie is going to slowly become EE in being predictable and dull, but I'm sure it won't be the case. But Corrie still remains my favourite soap, and I look forward to the Christmas scenes and the new year! ..

  3. Tina has seriously annoyed me, skulking around and calling on Peter at the flat the night before his wedding, then the actual morning of the wedding - and then the cheek of turning up as a guest. To make matters worse when he'd made his decision and married Carla she hung around after everybody left and still offered herself on a plate as though she was the love of his life. This is Peter Barlow for goodness sake, anything offered to him he'll take. Have some dignity woman. Only five minutes ago you were professing your love and sleeping with Tommy. When he left she barely noticed.

    Awful story. I've hated it!

    And as for Gail in the café telling David to stay away from not only Kylie and the children the AREA??? "What are you doing 'round here David"... What? And then say, but before you go please give Kylie money, she's struggling....... What are these people on? He doesn't have a job, he didn't have a home, so where the flippin heck does she think he's got money?

    Thanks, rant over.... :)

  4. Beth...couldn't agree more about Tina. The word that came to my mind as I watched her try to break up Peter and Carla's long term relationship, not only before the wedding, but during and after, was "homewrecker". Whatever happened to the notion that, if you fell for someone who was taken, you kept your mitts off them?

    Also agree with you about the scene with Gail and David. "My son is unemployed and homeless. Perfect time to demand money from him."

    Okay, my rant's over now too. :-)

  5. Wonderful review.

    I loved Carla and Peter's wedding episode, apart from the ending of course.

    It had humour, love, emotion, drama etc.
    Wonderful performances all round.
    Alison King and Chris Gascoyne were very impressive.

  6. I thought Michelle and Steve took their turn in the bridal suite after Tim and Sally left.

  7. Passionate kiss? It looked like an embarrassing fumble to me. How did Peter even manage to plant a kiss on Tina's over-plumped greased gob?
    She used to be a good looking girl but is trying awfully hard to look like Lena Horne IMO.
    Loved Haley and Roy...absolutely.
    Great episode!

  8. Frosty the Snowman6 December 2013 at 08:21

    The whole Tina Peter scenario is almost laughable the way she is suddenly stalking him, and all these stupid 'meaningful' looks when they have hardly been having a grand affair - so forced and ridiculous. Presumably that is why Carla was portrayed as out of control and ridiculous which is totally out of character. How did Silly Sally get the key to the knocking shop, sorry bridal suite anyhow? Poor Carla sleeping on those sheets - yuk

  9. And we'll demand money from David and still not let him see the children.

  10. wait!!

    Doesn't the whole happy union now become 'Carlow'?

  11. Hmm.. the problem is Anonymous, both Carla and Peter have also been "Homewreckers" in their past. I realise that there are a lot of Carla and Peter fans, so say this with a certain amount of trepidation.. but Carla must know that if he cheated "with" her, there is a risk that he'll cheat "on" her. (and then there's the bigamy track record.. really Carla, what is she thinking! A woman with those looks could do much better).
    All that said, the cheating appears entirely in character for Peter.. but not so for Tina?

    Rebecca in TO.

  12. I enjoyed the wedding. Not the sappy vows but the hijynx at the reception....OMG Sally and Michelle! Ewwwww...Carla slept there...
    I do not like Carla in her relationship with Peter....still amazed that Maria did her hair considering she tried to ruin her relationship with Liam! And how can Michelle listen to her go on about Liam when it was Paul she was married to! But I digress.
    I am glad to see Carla get hers if Peter cheats on her....but the writers are showing a vulnerable side to her lately. So I am glad she will have Rob for support...and with Tina's actions (unlike her considering she takes moral high ground so often) I hope that Carla cleans the floor with Tina!
    It seems it is not enough Michelle Keagen to be leaving - the writers want us all to hate her before she goes (out with a bang!)
