Tuesday 8 October 2013

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, October 13-18

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.

Week of Sunday 13 October to Friday 18 October

Note: Hour-long episode on Sunday 13 October, double episode on Monday 14 October, hour long episode on Weds 16 October and double episode on Friday 18 October

Lily’s DNA test results arrive and there’s chaos at her christening, Steve shocks Michelle with Rovers news, Liz McDonald returns, Croppers go to Blackpool, desperate Dennis sells Rita’s engagement ring.

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. So is David the daddy?

  2. So sad to hear Dennis sells Rita's engagement ring. I know he was a lad, and a bad 'un at that, but they just never seem to give him decent stories or status.

  3. As we've commented on in past blog posts, to prove who is the father of Lily, they will need Kylie's DNA tssted too (if they're going to do this story properly).

  4. Not necessarily... if the baby is David's it's blood is probably green!

  5. Frosty the Snowman8 October 2013 at 08:38

    Scowling Michelle with her usual arm folded stance. Why oh why do they keep renewing this ghastly woman's contract??? Brings nothing to the programme whatsoever.

  6. Oh dear, having heard Liz has come into money, I was hoping for a bit classier hairdo... from this pic it looks uncomfortably like current day Julie Goodyear, for my liking.

  7. I was hoping for a classier Liz, but she looks like she's morphed into Bet.

  8. I am not looking forward to Michelle taking over the Rovers, I am sick of her bullying Steve and talking to him like crap (and everyone else for that matter).

  9. I doubt they'll do the dna thing properly. After all, Kevin only submitted his own sample and Jack's dummy to get definitive paternity. Or we can just assume David got some of Kylie's hair from her hairbrush.

  10. Are you sure David is the father x

  11. Why have they made Liz like she is when she wasn't half as tarty in the earlier days? I'd be looking forward more to her return if it weren't for a repeat of the Liz/ Michelle v Steve, poor thing. He's a decent enough guy and there's plenty worse than Steve, though you wouldn't think it, the way Michelle treats him. It's quite disgusting actually. Then Liz won't be much better for sure.

    Also, Steve hasn't yet bought the pub, Michelle has no clue. Tina's been working there far longer recently and yet Monday's episode Michelle was very high and mighty and managerial over Tina.
    She really is a right bossy boots and a stroppy little madam.

  12. Ugh...please tell me that is NOT the hair that Liz is going to sport now! She looks ridiculous. She's too old for such long overly blond locks. Why do they have to keep making her so cartoonish? Or is she performing at the Grand Ole Oprey in her off hours? Yikes.

  13. I dislike the way Michelle looks at Steve. Its annoying how they ramp up his stupidity just to try and make her look clever in comparison so she could get one over on him. And the nonsense yesterday, we are meant to believe the factory was having problems due to Michelle leaving? What, her holding mugs of coffee or scowling and rolling her eyes at the desk where somewhat good contributions?

  14. Oh my....could they be getting ready for Halloween? Looks like Liz's top has had some extra padding added and I agree she is too old to be wearing her hair long like that, plus that ghastly yellow color. A bit of refinement on her return was too much to ask for I guess.

  15. I was also hoping that Liz would come back with a much classier, more refined look; they've done her no justice in these photos. I'm also equally bored with Michelle and can't imagine why the writers can't find anything new to do with her to get her to expand her acting beyond looking non-plussed with her arms crossed.
