Tuesday 10 September 2013

Kevin Webster: Now Where Were We?

So....Kevin Webster is looking after his Dad in Germany. Following a massive heart attack, Mr Webster senior is recuperating with the support of son and grandson who took the first flight out of Manchester on hearing of Bill's sudden illness.

Whilst Kev's been away Sally doesn't seem to have been missing her ex, despite signs in past months that they might have been getting closer. Tim is now on the scene and whilst our Sal seems smitten, Tim seems more interested in a bit of slap and tickle than anything else. Most of us wouldn't bat an eyelid at the former Mrs Webster hunched over the Dyson getting rid of last night's kebab remnants, however Tim is obviously quite keen...in a bit of nocturnal activity followed by a few post-coital pints.

Sally can probably see the writing on the wall with Tim, but he makes her feel sexy and she's having fun. The years have been kind to her physically and after all the heartache Kevin put her through, she probably deserves a bit of action. Remember Tim cancelled his plans for a new life in the North East to pursue this 'thing' with Sally, so it may play out for a good while longer yet.

There are rumours however that Bill has made a good recovery in Germany so Kevin and Jack could be planning a return to the cobbles. How will Kevin reacclimatise to life on Coronation Street, will he be jealous of Sally's new man, and what could be in store next for one of the Street's most familiar residents?

I think we're all curious to see how this plays out...

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