Sunday 15 September 2013

Dissing the Devster

I was maybe a little harsh when I blogged yesterday on the aftermath of the Karl Munro saga. Having thought about it, maybe Dev isn't so bad after all...

I mean the Devster has been a fixture of Coronation Street for fourteen years now so Jimmi Harkishin must be doing something right. I've never really been a massive fan of the character though I admit. I liked him with Sunita the first time around - she humanised him in the same kind of way that Alma brought out the best in Mike Baldwin. However, Dev and Sunita the second time was just one big boring mistake.

I also quite liked his partnership with Vikram back in the day. Mainly because I thought Vik was a good character. And when daughter Amber first appeared, she gave her dad a good run for his money and that was fun to watch.

On the negative side, we had that dreadful long running storyline where Dev got involved with both mother and daughter. Where on earth did the writing team get that one from? I still shudder at the thought of that big naked portrait of the Devster being unveiled. And while I'm shuddering there's always the Dev/Deirdre pairing haunting us all like a very unwanted party guest.

So I guess it's all swings and roundabouts with Dev. The Mad Maya saga was preposterous but good fun, however that was mainly down to the magnificently bonkers Maya. I keep hoping they'll bring her back to finish the job.

My main issue with Dev is that he just doesn't really fit into Weatherfield life. Sure he's got the kids and a local business, but I just don't think he suits the Corner Shop anymore. I agree with David that a middle aged woman should be running that place, making it more of a neighbourhood hub once again. He also does not come across as the kind of character to be living in the middle of that terrace either. I thought it was weird when the Alahan's bought that house, and I still can't fathom it.

So am I harsh about Dev? Is he a character worth nurturing for the years to come? 

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  1. "Where on earth did the writing team get that from?" The Graduate with Dustin Hoffman and Ann Bancroft. Even some of the dialogue was airlifted. "I want you to stay away from my daughter."

  2. Dev needs his fortune back. Then he can move to a condo and have Mary run the corner shop full time.
    Also he needs a new love interest....can't see him going for about Leanne when she catches wind of what Nick has been up to! Simon and the Alahan kids together under one roof! Holy Smokes that would be a handful. lol

  3. He can't act! Ship him out and bring in some talent!

  4. Before all the Tesco Express mini stores sprung up in every neighbourhood, there were only independent corner shops and many were run by Asian families. It was a bit of a cliché to have Vik's family take over the shop but it was realistic and added some diversity to the Street. And I reckon it's only diversity that's kept Dev there. He needs a new love life, that's for sure. How about Julie when Brian leaves? She'd be great behind the counter.

  5. His acting has improved, more understated and less of the drawn out syllables of the past. Now the thought of he and Julie is an interesting one - she loves kids but can't have any (ready made one), trustworthy (would not do a Sunita/slut transformation), would be fab behind the counter, funny ....I'm warming to the idea though have to say I wish Brian was staying.

  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Dev and Sally should get together. They share the same/similar interests and ambitions, Sophie is already close to Dev/his kids (so it'd be like coming full circle in creating a family unit), and Dev could consider selling the shop to raise some capital so that he and Sally can put their cash-flow and ideas together to open a new business on the Street. Perhaps it could find some decent employment for Sophie and Jenna. Who would they sell to? Kirk, Chesney and Beth can pool their resources (or financing abilities). Beth would be brilliant at sharing the gossip and trying to sell folk what they do or don't need and Kirk/Chesney are both entrepreneurs who've been trying for ages to find some kind of legitimate business to operate.

  7. Dev should sell to Auntie Wainwright! Wishful thinking...

  8. Why not Stella behind the corner shop till? Some sagely advice while you purchase your tin of green beans, a free insult from Gloria as a bonus. Residents will now have choice, Norris' sour faced put-down or Gloria's. I think Dev went to the same acting as Rob, both do that over-enunciation thing. There have been actors on Corrie past and present who do not know how to act. I don't think Jimi is any worse than Katie Ford, Jack Shepherd, Michael Le Vell or a dozen others who are now a fixture. Remember Jackie Dobbs? She was trying so hard to act you found yourself encouraging her, shouting tips at the telly.

  9. It would be better if a Freshco Express replaced the corner shop. Maybe then residents who don't know the difference between a sewing machine and a washing machine would have an alternative source of employment, plus it would be realistic to have more than one person working there at a time.

    Dev needs to go. Every time he appears I am acutely conscious he is "acting" and it jars.

  10. One of my favourite characters in Corrie!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. To this day pics of Dev and Deidre make me shudder.

  13. Get rid of him!!!!!! He is way past his sell by date

  14. Whatever happened to Amber? Throughout Dev's whole ordeal, not one word nor note nor phone call - text - nada. She didn't even show up at Sunita's (whom she supposedly hated) funeral. Very odd.


  15. Yes, I wondered that. Maybe she'll be airbrushed out of his history, just like all the other kids he's supposed to have.

  16. HeisdefinitelyacharacterWORTHnurturingforTHEyearstoCOME! sniff, gasp!..
    His acting chops are as good as Fred Elliot, I SAY Fred Elliot!
    Seriously, he makes me laugh. But that's good? right?
