Friday 26 July 2013

Spot the Corrie prop - July 26th 2013

It was a fairly easy prop for you all last week. As Shanny correctly guessed, the battered old clock can be found in Roy's Rolls.

Another easy one this week as we ask where on Coronation Street you would be able to buy this choice merchandise.

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  1. I'll say Dev's, though I wouldn't put it past Norris to stock that.

  2. Shanny will say The Kabin just because Anonymous said it's Dev's. :)

  3. Anonymouses unite! Dev's.

  4. The Kabin. Rita should use one for Norris sometimes because of the things he says.

  5. It does look like a new item, but I'm going out on a limb; Dierdre's the only one I can think of with a dog (Maria's-whose-name-I-have-forgotten is never around anymore), so I'll say Diedre's house.

  6. Who knew Dev carried a full line of dog-related products? I thought I saw a chew toy on the wall as well :) What other treasures lurk there?

  7. Just to be contrary I will say Chesney's stall at the market next to the dog collars he peddles.
