Tuesday 30 July 2013

Spoilers for next week's Coronation Street, August 5-9

Without any piffle, here's the storyline for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less

Week of Monday 5 - Friday 9 August

Corrie car crash puts Nick in coma, Jenna starts work in cafĂ©, Craig starts work as new Kabin paperboy, Tina’s in turmoil over Jake, Rob and Peter argue again.

The full weekly preview, with loads of pictures is right here on Corrie.net

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  1. And good bye Mandy, check. Good bye Tina, in the works. Good bye Nick or David? One could go to jail and the other could go to hell... let's see which one?

  2. O lovely, another critical care scene at Whethy General with tubes down the throat. Why not just have an ER room at the back of the Rovers.

  3. Janice - I believe it's actually located for real at the back of the Medical Centre, so it's as good as ;)

  4. Jenna working at the Cafe...NOOOOOOOO! Leave the chemistry that exists alone. Does Anna need more time off to dispense advice to Grizzy and is she paid for this time off? Time was not too long ago she didn't have two six-pence to rub together (is there a six-pence...not too sure of the UK coinage :)..)
