Wednesday 31 July 2013

Coronation Street on location recce in Blackpool

Lisa Spencer is the Art Director working on Coronation Street and she's tweeted this fab picture of some of the Corrie crew on a recce in Blackpool.  

Ooh, now then, what's to do, Corrie fans?  

Who do we think ITV could be sending to Blackpool this time around? It's been a while since Corrie were on location in Blackpool, I wonder what it could be this time around? 
Lisa's tweeter is @lisaswarbs.

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  1. So curious about this! I'm thinking Roy & Hayley? With Fiz, Tyrone and the kids.

    I would love Carla and Peter to be there with Roy and Hayley though - and Deirdre lol.

  2. Let it be David looking for a long walk off a short pier. :)

  3. Definitely Roy and Hayley

  4. Roy would hate Blackpool.

    Gone are the day's of buckets and spades and it's 1950s heyday. It's all just beer swilling, lude stag and hen parties now, the place has gone so downhill.

    The only characters it's fit for are Tracy and Rob. Or maybe it's where Steve has to go to 'rescue' Liz from a dodgy job she's landed after coming back from Spain.

