Saturday 8 June 2013

Why Corrie's Sean makes me yawn

Urgh. I do try my best with all of Coronation Street's characters and storylines but sometimes I run out of patience. Hard to believe, I know! Please Corrie Powers That Be, do something with Sean Tully!

I admit I am finding the current Marcus and Maria story a trifle cringeworthy. I like both characters and I have nothing against what the storyliners are trying to do here. It is an interesting take on the usual "coming out" stories that seem to be ten a penny these days in both Corrie and its less auspicious competitors. The fly in the ointment for me is Sean's involvement. I just cannot stand him.

When Sean first appeared back in 2003 he was actually a breath of fresh air. His character was bright, cheerful and funny. And as with all decent Corrie characters, there was a vulnerability lurking behind the brash exterior. However over time, Sean has completely lost his way. 

It feels to me like the writers just don't know what to do with him. However unlike many other cases when this has happened, for some reason they don't get rid. I just don't understand why.

I no longer enjoy watching him on screen. Other people have commented that he is one big stereotype. What bothers me more is how unpleasant and catty he has become. His role in the Marcus and Maria story has been grim from the outset. He constantly plays the pouting schoolboy and it's very tired. 

With the reappearance of Todd Grimshaw on the horizon, you must wonder where this leaves Sean. I know people have said the actor has had his contract extended for another year, but where can the character go? The writers either need to calm him down and try to revert to how he was in the early days, or he needs to go. He also needs to clear out of Eileen's and stand on his own two feet. 

I've just watched Friday's episode and all I can say is, poor Marcus and Maria! Sean just loved stirring it up and making them both feel as uncomfortable as possible. Now, what's bright, cheerful or funny about that?

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  1. I agree.

    He's as awful as Gloria at the moment.

  2. Frosty the Snowman8 June 2013 at 09:42

    Yep you took the words right out of my mouth - how spiteful, waspish and trouble making was Sean last night? The pursing of the lips with the head flounced, he and his other rather unpleasant best mates that have suddenly come out of nowhere were quite horrible to Marcus and Maria last night and they didnt deserve that behaviour at all. As for the dig about Maria's wig, pity Sean doesnt get one, that shiny dome is getting beyond the comb over.

  3. Dilly Daydream8 June 2013 at 10:23

    Disagree with all you Sean haters (for want of a better word) - I love him, for me he brightens up every scene he's in because he's so natural. Unfortunately, in life there are bitchy people about, male and female, Sean is just one of those. But I hasten to add, not all the time, only when it is called for.

    It doesn't bother me that he was spiteful to Marcus & Maria (one of the worst couplings in Corrie history).

  4. Sean and Tracy suffer the same problem. They're getting old and repetitive. What was funny and endearing at age 26 starts to look jaded ten years later. Neither character seems to have a role other than to make life awkward for other people. And they're both portrayed by mediocre actors. I get it that Sean probably would like to move on with his life, get his own place and have a partner. Is he depressed? Well, let's see it on-screen rather than this bitchy, campy character. If he's such a nice guy, why isn't he offering some support to Eileen? It would give a nice balance to the character. If the answer is that he's selfish then he becomes as one-note as Tracy. Boring to watch.

  5. Sometimes he is awful to watch but I personally think he can be funny, especially when he is in the factory.

    There are other characters who I really don't enjoy and I'd love them to leave but there's not much of that either, unfortunately.

  6. I am not enjoying watching Maria and Marcus together. I'm sure this storyline is meant to be interesting but they're so boring as a couple and so unconvincing.

  7. John in Cincinnati8 June 2013 at 12:30

    I have no problem with him making Marcus and Maria uncomfortable, they SHOULD be uncomfortable in his presense. The storyliners need to get Sean a boyfriend and that soon, and stop this silly Marcus and Maria nonsense. The only reason his is with her is because of kid..

  8. Here we have a character well past his use-by date, floundering without any sense of purpose because the writers don't know what to do with him, and the actor isn't strong enough to inspire a new direction. Unfortunately he is not the only one who falls into that category at the moment:(

  9. I am so in agreement with you and Humpty Dumpty. Could not have said it any better. Sean is like 40 get your own life and flat. He is no longer funny and sensitive, he is just a bitter and self-centre middle aged man. As for Tracy, her character is way too redundant and predictable. She adds nothing to the show and should have been gone a long time ago. She is not even a decent parent to Amy and another 40 year old still living with her parents and contributes nothing for her keep. Time for Corrie to clean house and get rid of some characters who have passed their sell by date.

  10. I agree with every word you've written, Graeme. As I've said on here before, Sean only works as a Greek Chorus character, commenting from the fringe. Anthony Cotton simply lacks the emotional depth as an actor to carry a major storyline. He basically has three character-modes: Brittle & Bitchy; The Kicked Puppy (i.e. emotion); and Gay-Best Mate. It's only as the latter, supporting friends like Fizz, that he is at all appealing to watch. In fairness, I think there is also an inconsistency in the writing, as any given script for Sean seems to fall into one of these three categories. Which Sean will we get this evening, we wonder? Ah, Marcus is in this episode, so it'll be Brittle & Bitchy. Might be interesting to cross-reference who each show is written by to discover if each writer has a preferred Sean.

  11. I don't mind Sean one bit..but I wish he had a meatier storyline than just popping up now and again to utter clever one-liners. He needs his own flat..surely he makes enough $$ to afford to be on his own..or maybe they need to can this character all together. He really seems like a prop lately and just sooo campy.

  12. I cant stand Sean! I really cant. All he ever seems to do is just poke his nose in Marcus's life and then if not doing that screech like some old fishwife. Just annoying in everyway.

  13. I agree with Dilly Daydream. Sean is one of my favourite characters. He is not shallow - in fact he is quite complex and vulnerable. This is behind his behaviour towards Marcus, whom he still loves. And there is his relationship with his son, Dylan. No, he is actually one of Corrie's best characters and very funny.

    On the point of stereotypes, they actually exist by definition(!) Besides, as Antony Cotton is gay give him some credit in his portrayal.

  14. I actually don't mind Sean as one of those characters who is always there to throw make up numbers at a party, or give a friend a shoulder to cry on. It's when the writers try to give him more that he becomes ruined. I like what they did with him and Violet and when he dated Marcus but now there are no believable story lines left for him. I can't for the life of me come up with one thing that would work as a major story for him.


  15. Anonymous (16.02) - you make some fair points there, however I really don't think we've seen the complex, vulnerable Sean in some time. Perhaps the character just needs a suitable storyline to show off these facets.

    What would you like to see happen to the character?

  16. Sean is redeemable in my opinion, unlike some other characters. I think the actor is good at what he does, he simply has not been the storylines to evolve the character. In many other cases it is the actor's lack of ability which makes us dislike the character, but Sean's case it is the script. I would like to see his parents. Was he abandoned by them for being so effete? Has he no siblings? Was he bullied in school and if so what if runs across the same bully on Canal Street?

  17. I have an idea for Sean. How about Violet dies and he has to become a single dad full time. As such he moves out and starts acting like a grownup - not a teenage lodger in a half way house.

  18. "Besides, as Antony Cotton is gay give him some credit in his portrayal."

    So he's not even acting?

    Money for old rope then....

  19. The one thing that might work for Sean and be a real major storyline is for him to test positive for HIV. That would test Antony's nettle as an actor.

  20. I believe it's true, the writers don't seem to know what to do with Sean these days and that's where the problem lies. I like Sean, always have. He's sometimes bitchy and petty but he's also got a big heart and is loyal and supportive to his friends as well.

  21. Count me in with the Sean fans. Yeah, he's a ditz and flounces about from time to time, but he's also a loyal friend to Eileen and when he's snippy, it's not the loathsome, continuous bile Gloria spews. I think he adds a bit of fun to the factory and is good behind the bar, a fine supporting character. Would be nice to see him with someone special (not Marcus, they were never right together), but not leading a front burner story. And yes, I agree fatherhood of a Bessie St. aged Dylan would be a great story for Sean.

    Marcus, who I usually love, was the big disappointment last night. It's been months. He's a smart, sensitive guy. By now he should have his head wrapped around the situation and be proud of his relationship with Maria, not embarrassed by it.

  22. But what was Maria on about, telling Marcus he had to be straight? It never occurred to her it might be awkward to attend a reception for her formerly gay partner's gay friends? I thought she came across last night as clueless.

  23. Too bad Maria hadn't hauled off and knocked a few of those gigantic teeth out of Marcus and Sean's vile so-called 'friend'! Horrid duo. I thought Sean was quite reprehensible and I see no purpose for this character other than to commiserate with Eileen over the tiny fireman's risky line of work.

  24. I like Sean and I think the storyliners threw a possibility away too quickly when they didn't go down the route of him and Marcus adopting. The Marcus/Maria story is one big bore and the countdown to him copping off with a fella has already started.

    Sean needs a new bloke, simple as that. OR he needs to get Marcus back off the simpering, whimpering mountain of dullness that is Maria

  25. 1) The negative remarks about Ben's teeth rub me the wrong way. (Sorry) He's an extremely fit, attractive African man, who happens to have a big smile.\

    2) I agree that Sean is being intentionally vile because he's still in love with Marcus and hurt by him taking off with Maria.

    3) Ben, on the other hand, is not being vile, he's being immature. Marcus helped him come to terms with his identity, which was probably difficult, being both black and gay. Now it seems to him like Marcus has turned his back on the identity they both fought hard to claim. Ben is sufficiently insecure about his identity that he still needs Marcus to affirm it.

    4) When Marcus says he's a gay man who fell in love with a woman, Maria gets all huffy and says if he's going to share her bed then he's going to be straight. Got that?

    5) I think it's a case of Marcus in the middle here, with both Ben and Maria acting like kids in the playground insisting he play for their team.

    My sympathy is entirely with Marcus.

  26. Defrost Indoors15 June 2013 at 18:55

    Remember, Maria didn't 'steal' Marcus from Sean -- they were already apart by then. She thwarted Sean's bid to get back with him, I think.

    As for Sean, I don't mind him, but he's surely making enough to move out. Plenty of other factory employees seem able to support themselves and a kid or two on the waves there, plus he used to work at the Rovers. I think he stays with Eileen due to emotional ties rather than financial ones; she like a big sister to him, really.

  27. As Daffyd would chirp, "He's the only gay in the village..."

  28. Antony Cotton is not well liked on the Corrie set by cast and crew, at best he is "tolerated" so let's hope he'll be off Corrie sooner rather than later. He was only kept on the show as long as he has been because of his friendship with Phil Collinson in the past. Let's hope new producer Stuart Blackburn gets rid of him.
