Monday 10 June 2013

What's in store for Deirdre Barlow?

ITV have confirmed that there'll be no more Ken Barlow scenes on Coronation Street for the foreseeable future, which we know today could be at least until January 2014.

So, let's turn our attention to where this will leave the wonderful Deirdre.

What'll Deirdre do for a few months on Corrie without her Ken?  Maybe she'll start playing around with another fella, or even better, playing the harmonica again

What would you like to see happen to Deirdre over the forthcoming months? 

Dev needs a bit of consoling...  just a thought. 

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  1. It depends how they explain Ken's long absence. Will he be upstairs washing his hands for six months? Maybe that will work because he didn't do very much, anyway. Kevin's looking after Bill but has anything been said about Ken? I don't want to see Deirdre in another affair. She will probably have some good storylines with Liz, maybe around Amy and her parents. I hope Deirdre becomes more involved with people outside the family. A storyline about Emily's well-being, for example.

  2. Now that we know she buys her belts online she could start up her own business selling them!

  3. I think this is going to be a golden age for Deirdre. She's already rambling on like a good 'un and as time goes on, she will be Blanchified. In the short term, Deirdre will probably be a good mate to Eileen in her hour of need.

    Shine Deirdre, shine!

  4. What about introducing Blanche's sister Beryl Linfield? Could fill in the void?

  5. Ooh, Deirdre's Aunty Beryl, loving that idea!

  6. And her cousin Bradley! :)

  7. First they should explain why Ken is gone (I don't care why, just make it known he's not around) then Deirdre should kick Tracy to the curb and enjoy having the house to herself. I think she could become the woman that people lean on when they need some help. And definitely throw some of those Blanche lines in because I miss Blanche.

  8. I can't imagine she'll have another affair because, withou the dramatic potential of Ken finding out, what would be the point?

  9. Just the thought makes me sick

  10. I think that Deidre, so either just walk the dog, mind her own business, and be there to support her darling Tracy, when Rob dumbs her and moves on. Or
    send her on a long vacation tell her Ken comes back if he does.
    Of course she could get run over by
    a truck while the dog and that would solve problems for ever.
    Instead of her having a fling with Dev, why don't they hook her up with Sean.... know that would be a
    story line if you really what something juicy to happen.'Deidre gets right up my nose.

  11. How about Diedre attempts to quit smoking. We see her struggle, go to meeting perhaps at the same place as Peter does for AA. She talk about how much better she feels and the money she saves. It could be a great public service opportunity.

  12. Well, they do need to come up with some explanation for Ken's continuing absence if only to avoid stretching the willing suspension of disbelief to snapping point. He can't be down the library for the next six months.

    I dare say he could have flipped out and gone on a narrow boat odyssey around the canal network of the north west in search of Stephanie Beacham, after realising that he has to have one last try at finding her before he leaves this world. Then, if Bill Roache gets sent down in January, Deirdre can receive word that Ken has gone for good after finding Stephanie Beacham and going to live happily ever after.

    Which will leave Deirdre free for pottery, fags, stuffed marrows, and getting pissed with Eileen.

  13. I don't see him coming back..sorry..just IMO but they have to explain his absence. He can go to Scotland to visit his grandson or son or whoever or send his wife a 'Dear Deidre' letter from wherever and runs off with the lady on the barge...I forget her name.
    Either way...write him out.

  14. Cobblestone, I assume you're being tongue in cheek, but, really, why can't Deirdre have an affair without it bearing on Ken? She seemed a lot more independent when she was young.

  15. I like the idea of his sudden departure to Scotland, a Dear Deirdre letter, and his barging off into the sunset. Then Deirdre can be left to pick up the pieces, kick Tracy out, revive Eileen, quit smoking, start an online art and clothing store, and take in wayward youth such as Sean (ha!), Tina, Rosie/Jenna, or someone (since she's a master at filling a house with more bodies than rooms).

  16. I'm loving Deidre the past few weeks since they've given her more to do than fawn over Tracy and repeatedly say "Oh Tracy Luv". She's been fab and just shows how much she's really capable of when she's not dependable on a man, relationship, affair. There is so much more to her and this should be explored further. She is her mother's daughter and Blanche was a hoot. Deidre doesn't need to be Blanche II but she can certainly stand on her own two feet and deliver killer lines.

    Liz coming back will bring her buddy back but she and Eileen have been good together. There needs to be more community based scenarios so characters like Deidre can interact with others like Sally and Gail even. A book club (this would bring out Sally's snobby side too), aerobics, yoga, heck even a slimming group (they are in every community). Girls weekend away. Deidre's pottery classes were funny, she and Craig were an unlikely comedy couple but had the makings of corrie gold. Isn't Anne a talented artist in real life? Why don't they bring this to the show.....
    So much that Deidre is capable of that doesn't include a man or Tracy.

    As for Ken, hmmmm tricky as he's the 'face of the street' after all these years and I guess tptb want to be seen as sensitive as possible but if they decide not to bring him back then there is nothing wrong with him dying, sad to say. But that's what they did with Len. And Emily was made a widow also. Deidre could live off with the life insurance.

  17. It's a tricky situation. Ken would never stay away from home longer than a few weeks. He's lived on the street for over 50 years and has never been anywhere. I think they will have to keep saying he's upstairs. when christmas day comes around maybe he could be visiting Adam in Scotland, or have broken his leg and can't come downstairs. In the meantime Deirdre will be catching up with Liz and involved in the Tracey/Rob/Peter bickering. I'd like to see her make a pass at Rob and he'd be mortified and she'd be embarassed.

  18. I have been loving Deidre the past few eps. Whether she's getting pissed with Eileen or joining Peter and Carla in taking this mick out of Tracyluv, she's been on fire recently. Ken who, eh?

  19. Deirdre, Eileen and Liz. Hmm, definite potential as the echo of Martha, Minnie and Ena. (Who were, originally modeled on the three old hags of Macbeth - those of "Bubble, bubble toil and trouble, "Fire burn and cauldron bubble" fame.
