Wednesday 5 June 2013

Todd Grimshaw returning to Coronation Street

Todd Grimshaw is returning to Coronation Street.

The official Corrie website reports that Bruno Langley will reprise his role as Todd Grimshaw.

Corrie bosses are staying tight lipped about why Todd has chosen to return, but it’s clear that whilst Eileen is thrilled to have him back, others are going to struggle with him being around. And his presence on the street is going to mean heartache for more than one Corrie resident..'

He was last seen in April 2011 when he visited Eileen bringing his partner Jools with him. But it soon became clear that Todd was embarrassed of his family and the street where he once lived. He left but apologised to Eileen for his behaviour.

Bruno Langley said: "Having worked extensively in the theatre for the past few years, I am very happy to be coming back to Corrie, getting back on screen, and working with my old cast mates again. Since I left in 2004 I have met many wonderful people, and done some amazing jobs, but best of all I now have a beautiful son Freddie Langley."

"Right now seems to be a great time to return to The Street, as I have just moved back to Manchester myself, and it's going to be interesting to see if Todd has changed after being in London for so long, as I have changed as a person too."

"I would like to thank our producer Stuart for inviting me back, and it's definitely going to make me smile when the Grimshaw family are finally back together again!”

I'd love him to get together with Marcus!  What do you reckon, Corrie fans?

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  1. Very pleased about this! Loved his character, and agree it would be good to see him with Marcus. Might this mean the end of Sean?!

    Or...maybe Sean's surprise love interest turns out to be Todd?! I hope not!

    Do we know how long he will be back for?

  2. Great news, so long as he leaves the attitude he displayed on his last visit in 'that London'.

    So, "heartache for one Street resident," hmm? That'll be Maria then ...

  3. Hmm. I hope all that experience on the stage has improved his acting. I never was all that impressed by him in the past.

  4. I always liked Todd. I'll be glad to have him back. What will Gail and family do?!

  5. It can't be a co-incidence that an announcement about Todd's return comes so soon after Liz McD's. I wonder if there is a plan to bring back favourite characters to raise Corrie out of the mire. If a character was needed to break up Marcus and Maria, it could have been anyone. Why Todd?

  6. Where is all the money coming from, we've just heard that ten cast members have been given large increases to extend their contracts and now Bev and Bruno have been hired back at I'm sure very large salaries are the meercats that rich?
    Does Blackburn intend to bring back every character that is still alive from the time that he was a writer for the show, if so isn't the cast list going to be bigger than the population of many small countries and how is he going to come up with enough story lines to fit them all in?

  7. hopefully some people, like Stella and co. will get the ax.

  8. Some good moves by Mr Blackburn here. I'm impressed with him so far.

  9. Sean was only ever brought in to replace Todd as Eileen's gay son. The heartache could be for Sean as he no longer has lodgings. Sean is not popular and may be written out.

  10. I welcome Todd's return as long as he doesn't bring the goofy boyfriend he had last time. What will he do for employment last I heard he was a law clerk. I would love to see him and Marcus get together. As for Sean, he is hardly ever in the show anymore and what more can the writers do with him?

  11. Nick will have more complications. Leanne/Kylie and now Todd, with the memory of that kiss still lingering in Nicky boy's lips. Nick, a true mama's boy, will decide he has had enough of the opposite sex, what with Natasha, Leanne and Kylie and give Todd a try.

  12. Maybe he comes back to support Eileen when Paul dies?

  13. Les battersby is returning as well probably a love replacement for Stella when Karl leaves

  14. Les and Stella? Hahahaha.

  15. Defrost Indoors5 June 2013 at 19:24

    At least they've been foreshadowing it a little, with Eileen and co. going down to that London to see Todd.

  16. I like Todd, I don't want to see Jason and Todd angst. Again.

  17. Anonymous @ 5 June 2013 17:48 -- very good point! I had totally forgotten about the Todd/Nick kiss because the head changed! Perhaps a family focus with the Grimshaws will help dilute the annoying Prices.

  18. I knew it. This is the stoyline that brings Marcus to his senses and spells the end of Maria's happy family. Todd is probably the one person who could get through to Marcus. I'm glad this is going to happen. Should be great viewing!

  19. "Embarrassed of".

    Do you mean "ashamed of" or "embarrassed BY" ????

  20. Todd/Marcus/Maria could be a really good storyline. Maybe he'll come back straight and steal Maria from Marcus, that would be a trip. Of course, ideas like that are why I just watch the shows and would never be allowed to write them.

    I remember reading a story not too long ago saying Bruno Langley was working as a bartender in Australia so it's nice to see him back to acting on the Street.

  21. I'm happy to have Todd return for the simple reason that one failing I find with Corrie (and EastEnders...well most soaps in general) is when a character leaves it's like they disappear into a void. I fully understand that when a character leaves a show and their family members remain, the writers can only do so much to maintain a sense that the character still exists in their family's life in some way (going to visit them, phone calls). But the fact that characters like Martin Platt and Sarah-Louise seem to have disappeared right out of Gail and David's lives is not very realistic. It almost seems to betray their characters...with all that David has been through over the years, would it not be in character for Martin to be knocking at Gail's door? But again, when the actors are gone, the writers can only do so much. So yeah, I'm happy Todd is coming back, it feels right.

  22. Frosty the Snowman6 June 2013 at 08:30

    Sorry - have nothing against Todd and fine if he is back for a short while to support a certain story but back permanently - er WHY? As has been said the population of Weatherfield is going to be larger than "that London" before long.

  23. It's always amazes me that actors ARE the characters. With a few exceptions, Tracey for example, I don't see why, when an actor decides to leave their character is written out. Why was Sara-Lou not replaced? Gail has been through so much since she left its not conceivable that her daughter would not come back to support her or to bring her daughter back to see her family, and Martin would be there for his son. Actors have been replaced in so many situations, it didn't do James Bond any harm did it.

  24. This is good news. Bruno Langley is a good actor unlike Antony Cotton. I think Bruno left because he was uncomfortable with having Sean as his new boyfriend. There is an interview on youtube where he was interviewed on This Morning just after he'd left and he said Antony was a nice guy but he wouldn't want to put his tongue down his throat. Seeing as Charlie Condou doesn't want to either it will be interesting to see what they do with Sean. I would also like to see Sarah-Louise back too, another fine actress. It would have been more believable that Todd would turn straight and go back to Sarah-lou than Marcus with Maria. The producers obviously knew they had made a mistake with Marcus because as soon as he moved in with Maria they were more or less written out for 6 months. It would have been interesting to see him struggling with his sexuality but it looks like they will just make a quick switch back to being straight with no explanation of the missing 6 months.

  25. Rosie, the reason recasts aren't done more often is that we as viewers make an investment in the actor. We believe they are the character, and watch them grow into their character over the years. We remember fondly their history. We stop believing when they change heads and more often than not also change personality. We all remember Nick being repulsed by Todd kissing him. I can clearly remember it being Adam Rickett not Ben Price. I also remember Tracy luv calling Deirdre a rotten cowing tart, but it was Dawn Acton I visualise not Kate Ford. Unfortunately its just one of those soap rules that when an actor leaves they never return for weddings, funerals or anything. I'd much rather that than have recasts of much loved characters.

  26. I appreciate what you're saying Barry, but it does leave great gaping holes in the storylines sometimes. So why replace some characters and not others. I'd much rather get used to a new actor than have some situations just hanging there. Maybe, dare I say it, I don't analyse or take soaps too seriously.

  27. I like the fact Todd is returning, i hope they bring back Karl too i really wanted them to end up together but i guess too much time has past for that.
