Monday 3 June 2013

Sneak preview of tonight's double Corrie - Monday 3 June

Coronation Street, Monday June 3rd 2013 at 7.30pm

DEV HAS AN EPIPHANY OVER SUNITA’S ALLEGED CRIME. Karl panics when Dev admits the kids’ conviction about Sunita’s innocence has made him revisit his own questions about the fire. He was so grief-stricken at the time that he focussed on the kids but now, in the cold light of day, he’s struggling to accept Sunita was capable of murder. Desperate for answers Dev vows to speak to the police.
CARLA DEMANDS RECOMPENSE FROM ROB. Carla tells Rob her solicitor’s drawing up papers for him to sign. Tracy accuses Carla of ripping Rob off, urging him not to let Carla take his 30% for nothing, but to push her for some cash. Will Rob accept Carla’s terms?
TOMMY SENSES TINA’S RELUCTANCE TO LEAVE THE BABY. Tommy’s heartened to hear that Tina can come home but Tina fails to disguise her reluctance to leave the baby she carried, who’s still so fragile. Izzy thaws a little when she and Gary decide to call their baby Jake, but how will Tina react?
Elsewhere when an old friend invites Sean and Marcus to his wedding reception it becomes clear that Marcus isn’t as keen on seeing their old pals as Sean is. Eileen struggles to sleep as she waits from Paul to return from his night shift.

Monday June 3rd 2013 at 8.30pm

DEV’S CRUSADE TAKES ITS TOLL ON KARL. Covering his anxiety Karl tries to reason with Dev but insisting he’s going to the police Dev finds Sunita’s phone, convinced there may be evidence on it to support his growing theory. At the police station Dev’s a man on a mission as he insists he has questions that need answering and evidence that needs considering. As Karl reels will the police agree to re-open the case?
ROB PLAYS HARDBALL WITH CARLA. Carla’s aghast as Rob refuses to sign over his 30%. Michelle and Carla feel he’s in no position to call the shots but Rob cites that his share’s worth £50k and what Carla’s doing is worse than what he did to her. Rocked by his desperation will Carla waiver?
TINA CAN’T STOP WORRYING ABOUT THE BABY. Tommy fetches Tina home but it’s clear her thoughts are with the baby. Tina insists she’s fretting about Gary and Izzy but Tommy’s not fooled and when she asks him to take her back to the hospital to visit Jake we see he’s concerned by her growing feelings.
Elsewhere Eileen’s exhausted as Paul gets ready to start another night shift. Her anxiety kicking in at the prospect of him going to work, she sets about distracting herself. Marcus doesn’t mention the wedding invite to Maria, admitting to Sean that he’s embarrassed about what his gay friends will say.

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  1. Frosty the Snowman3 June 2013 at 06:59

    More of Rob and Carla's tiresome squabbling to look forward to then.

  2. Agree Frosty will have to have a bex and lie down....
