Monday 10 June 2013

Samia Ghadie signs another 12 month Corrie contract

Samia Ghadie, who plays Maria Connor on Coronation Street, has reportedly signed a £100,000+ contract to stay another year on Corrie's cobbles.

The 30 year-old actress has played Maria on Coronation Street for 13 years. Ghadie's contract will ensure she continues playing her role until mid-2014.

Viewers have recently watched Maria fall in love and move in with gay character Marcus Dent. Fans watched the fall-out this week from the couple attending a friend's wedding reception, with Marcus getting flack from hiding his relationship with Maria.

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  1. Frosty the Snowman10 June 2013 at 08:14

    Why oh why are they still renewing these exhausted characters contracts? Maria is gormless clueless and pointless.

  2. Am I the only one that thinks that the show needs a certain turnover of cast members to keep it fresh? I'm going to resist the temptation to name anyone in particular, but the recent news that so many of the b-list cast have been given renewed contracts is hardly cause for celebration, IMHO.

    Good drama needs consequences to people's actions, and with so many characters staying in the show for at least another year, either their actions will be constrained, or evil deeds will go unpunished, both of which would are detrimental to the show.

    We read that Dev might be murdered by Carl. Fat chance, when we already know that the actor has recently has his contract extended by another year.

    Yes, it's tough when anyone's favourite character is shown the door, but in the long run it is necessary for the good of the show.

  3. Amazing how Brian Packham got axed and could of made a really good double act with Julie (when she gets back from Maternity leave) but instead working on them Corrie keeps on the same tired characters. Who cares if her and Marcus break up, they will be paired with someone else (on the street) and more about their tedious love life. There are hardly any solid couples on the show. David and Kylie are great, but of course we have all the who is the daddy, and we know Tina and Tommy won't last and Gary and Izzy seem to separate all the time.

    Sorry for my rant. But why do most characters get brought in and hardly used like Mandy.

  4. They're panicking because Michelle Keegan is going and they want to keep some eye candy for the awards. Given the right script, Samia's not bad, but the momentum in the Marcus/Maria story has been lost due to Samia's stint on Dancing on Ice. They're trying to get it going again, but I couldn't care less about them now.

  5. I think they could have done more with Brian. He could have been so much more..another Ken perhaps because he is so pompous but now he's just a riduculous character with a food addiction that no one seems to be addressing. Roy's gigantic freezer conveniently goes out so he has to give a mountain of food away..Brian overhears this and comes back later to stuff his bags full of pastries. The whole set up of course was to show a fat man for the glutton he really is. Why not a fit thin guy grabbing stuff..why not Jason? No..make fun of the fat kid constantly is funnier I suppose. And they have the Sylvia character making snide remarks about it? Sick. Anna lost weight and then gained it right back again..nothing is said. Eileen is a bigger lady..nothing is said but a fat guy? Better show him shoveling food in at every opportunity.
    Sorry..but this really makes me mad when popular shows sink so low.

    Rant ended.

  6. I like the character of Maria and always have. There is a place for her on the show - pretty, a bit dim, unlucky in love but basically just getting on with life. In my book not all characters need to be headliners or 'big' in themselves - there are also gentler, quieter people in the world. _NN

  7. Haha, I agree somehow. Its typical Corrie though, the so called "strong" female characters always getting one over on the blokes, but if the blokes made snide remarks about a woman's weight he would be seen as sexist and offence to women, then the feminists would be complaining to the show. Men are always portrayed as ridiculous on TV, or if they are evil they are outright evil. Like Kirsty abusing Tyrone, people thought he had it coming only cause she was female, and she had "issues".

    Corrie need to start introducing strong male characters and stop trying to live off the "weak men" rubbish that the show was apparently about. And most of the women in Corrie now aren't strong, just whiny, harping and full of themselves.

    Take Deirdre and Eileen, the show probably deludes themselves they are strong, but really just two bit lushes getting drunk in the day. Hardly strong.

    And Beth slapped Kirk on the backside as a joke at work and to mock him. Switch roles and its sexual harassment.

  8. Cont:
    Actually I think I will make a complaint to the Coronation Street Production team, hopefully they will straigten themselves out. And then we had that rubbish Full Monty with idiotic female characters wooping at the sight of naked men (and more disturbing Eileen in the crowd when her son is getting naked).

    They need stronger male characters. Stop living off some concept created 53 years ago. The reason Tony Warren wrote strong women was due to him being surrounded by them during his childhood while the men where away. Not happening now.

  9. Maria is the solid normal this show needs and I'm glad she'll be around. She isn't a criminal, addict, or suffering from any particular illness. She has no long lost family, but does have strong ties via a brother with whom she's close as well friendships with Fiz & Audrey. Not university material, she did her training, stuck with a job and supports her son. Did not like her with Liam or Tony (but those were OTT stories anyway), and her current relationship is a bit odd, but Marcus is lovely and they seem suited to each other. A good single mom juggling and struggling story is all she needs.

  10. I can see Maria as a younger Gail, they way Gail was after Brian died. A stoic young woman making the best of what she has. I think she is a backbone type of character. The high-octane types make a quick impression then fizzle away.

  11. I really like Maria as a character, and sense a bit of hypocrisy in some of the previous comments. People are always whining about how people like Tracey are not "real" (and I agree), but here is Maria, a normal decent young woman trying the best she can - and people complain. To me, people like her and Kirk are the backbone of many communities, and ones I would prefer to have as neighbours rather than the likes of Tracey, Carla or Rob.

  12. Give Maria a Story11 June 2013 at 01:02

    I sure hope they give Maria something substantial to do, if she'll be around for another 12 months. The actress can't help it if her role is so limited due to writing.

    With regards to the non sequitur comment from Mad Hatter above, I don't recall anyone associated with this blog or Coronation Street stating they felt that Tyrone "had it coming" when Kirsty abused him, nor was she not held responsible because she "has issues". There must be a gap between what you assume others are thinking and reality.

  13. Oh dear another year of Maria "squeek, squeek, squeek on the wheel" as Audrey said. Couldn't have put it better myself Audrey love, know how you feel....

    BTW, wasn't Aud brilliant the other night, first with Maria but then outshone herself with the loathsome Tracy :) Ha!
